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High Schooler Sets Physics World Abuzz

issac newtonA 16-year-old German high school student has written a paper that purports to have solved two mysteries that were beyond the intellect of the great Isaac Newton.

Shouryya Ray, an Indian-born student who won second prize this month in the math and informatics category for Germany's Jugend Forscht student science competition created formulas to answer the following questions that have puzzled scientists for centuries:

How do you account for air resistance in calculating the trajectory of ball thrown out at an angle?

Precisely how does a ball thrown against the wall rebound?

Because Ray's paper was a school-based project and was submitted for a contest, it is not subject to the publication process and peer review that professional work typically goes through. That has led some experts in the field to reserve jugement of the work until they've seen it for themselves.

However, everyone who has commented about Ray's paper has said it is an achievement that very few high schoolers could duplicate.


App Prices Slashed Ahead of iOS...

This week marks the five-year anniversary of Apple's App Store, and it appears that the event is sparking a sale. While Apple has been mum on the topic, several extrememly popular apps have seen their prices cut all the way down to free.

Because there appears to be no rhyme or reason behind the cuts, it can't be said that the anniversary has anything to do with them...

Helping Children to Find Their "...

As the story goes~ little Gillians school life was a mess. Poor tests scores~ shabby work~ disorganized. Worse~ she couldnt sit still. After receiving a call from the school~ Gillians mom took her to a psychologist. After interviewing the mom and Gillian for a while~ the psychologist left Gillian in the room~ but not before turning on a radio.

Watch your daughter~ he told Gillians mom.

Within minutes~ Gillian began moving to the beat in a very natural~ almost primal manner.


Science to be Dropped from 5th Grade...

A colleague of mine just told me that in September, the fifth grade will not be offering the teaching of science. I am totally shocked. The students will have LA, Math and Social Studies but science will not be a subject taught! I hope that when parents hear about this change, they will question and demand its inclusion back into the 5th grade curriculum. Critical thinking, problem solving,experimentation, learning about the universe, the oceans, microbes and, just the world in which we live...

Three-Ring Concept

Traditionally~ the term gifted was considered a noun~ rather than a verb.

Being gifted was something you are~ not something you do.

That theory was rattled when Dr. Joseph Renzulli of the University of Connecticut questioned whether gifted was strictly determined by an individuals I.Q. or whether other factors were involved. Renzulli developed the Three-Ring Conception of Giftedness~ which basically stated that gifted behavior was displayed when three elements overlapped: above-...

Windows 8 Surpasses Vista in Popularity

Still working to gain market share, Microsoft's most recent OS has achieved a milestone of sorts, surpassing Vista as the third most-popular operating system in the world.

As reported by CNet, Internet tracking firm Net Applications detailed worldwide OS usage in its most recent report....

Using the News in the Classroom: Homing...

Using the News in your Classroom
Homing pigeons are known for their abilities to return back to a destination but it sees that one particular bird took a detour during a 600 mile race in Japan. Last week~ the year old racing pigeon~that left during a race on May 10th~ was found on Vancouver Island~ Canada-5000 mile away from Japan! It is believed that the unnamed racing pigeon may have hitched a

What the Classroom Can Be - Lessons...

This week, while many kids are swimming, sleeping in late, and spending too many hours on Call of Duty and other video games, there is a group of 50 children arriving early, excited about learning and creatively producing.

I have the good fortune of being involved with a summer program for gifted children in the county where I live. The program provides four, intense days of learning to create virtual book hooks using storytelling, persuasion, and computer programs such as Paint and...

A “Gifted” Reading Program for All

If you have read any of my previous posts~ you know I am a huge advocate of incorporating gifted best practices into mainstream education.
Im going to share another model~ designed by gifted education researchers~ that could make a big difference in your reading instruction~ and subsequently~ students reading scores

The program is called SEM-R and was designed by Dr. Sally Weis and other researchers from the University of Connecticut. SEM-R has been tried and tested...

OED Added "Tweet' to Official...

The Oxford English Dictionary’s annual June update has a decidedly tech feel this year as the much ballyhooed reference title is adding the words “tweet,” “crowdsourcing,” “e-reader” and “re-direct.”

Every June the dictionary adds several new words to the English vernacular, provided they meet certain criteria. While “tweet” does not meet the standard of having been in...

Student Ability Grouping: Help or...

This post was contributed by EducationWorld Web Assistant Joe Murphy.

Vivian Yees New York Times article Grouping Students by Ability Regains Favor in Classroom focuses on a classroom practice that had declined in popularity~ but has started to make its way into schools again. The controversial strategy of grouping students...
