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High Schooler Sets Physics World Abuzz

issac newtonA 16-year-old German high school student has written a paper that purports to have solved two mysteries that were beyond the intellect of the great Isaac Newton.

Shouryya Ray, an Indian-born student who won second prize this month in the math and informatics category for Germany's Jugend Forscht student science competition created formulas to answer the following questions that have puzzled scientists for centuries:

How do you account for air resistance in calculating the trajectory of ball thrown out at an angle?

Precisely how does a ball thrown against the wall rebound?

Because Ray's paper was a school-based project and was submitted for a contest, it is not subject to the publication process and peer review that professional work typically goes through. That has led some experts in the field to reserve jugement of the work until they've seen it for themselves.

However, everyone who has commented about Ray's paper has said it is an achievement that very few high schoolers could duplicate.


Problem-Based Learning-A Story to Share

Id like to dedicate my next few posts to the topic of problem-based learning.

It is certainly a method that motivates students~ helps them develop valuable how-to learn skills~ and makes learning relevant. Before I get into the particulars~ Id like to use this blog to share a true story illustrating the power of teaching through problems.
(Please feel free to share your stories of problem-based learning or post comments by visiting the Gifted/Enrichment group at...

Finding Miss Nelson

Arturo Avina is a fan of pop music. Bjork~ Blondie and Madonna are a few of his favorites. Avina is also a kindergarten teacher at LAUSD's Olympic Primary Center in Los Angeles and the driving force behind one of the most adorable and creative educational resources on the Internet. Avina and his class of kindergarteners adapted the classic children's book "Miss Nelson is Missing" using songs by Garbage~ Bjork~ Blondie and Madonna to help illustrate their unique take on the story. The result...

The Value of Positive Coaching

I wasn't much of an athlete growing up. I hung around other kids who played sports, but I was never really good at any of them. Baseball, football, and soccer just didn't make sense to my body.

Take baseball for example. To me, the idea of failing to hit the ball was more anxiety than I could take. So I'd stand there...

Teacher's Domain

Have you heard of Teachers Domain? I stumbled upon it during my search for time elapse videos for the life cycle of a plant. Teachers Domain is media library collection of 1~000 plus videos of public television~ as well as lesson plans~ and resources. The videos are from PBS~ NOVA~ Frontline and a variety of others. Each lines up with national standards.

To use the media library~ you will need to register for a free teacher...

Differentiate through Whole-Group Pre-...

I have to share this fantastic strategy with you.

It involves pre-testing your entire class~ allowing students to earn time to work on enrichment/extension activities.

Its an effective way to motivate students and provide them the opportunity to demonstrate what they know and work on perhaps more interesting activities. This method is also a way to offer enrichment opportunities to all higher performing students~ not only those labeled gifted. This way~ you eliminate any...

Get the Dirt on....Dirt!(Welcome...

Although I love winter(I am a skier)~ I am SO VERY MUCH looking forward to the return of my beautiful and colorful flowers to return to my gardens. Daffodils are starting to sprout through the surface as are some of my tulips. Color is slowly starting to take hold in the lawn and I eagerly watch for budding on the trees. To me~ flowers always make me smile!When I retired from teaching I created a teacher garden. Teaching themed chimes hang from shepherd poles and I have a wonderful lilac...

Talks With Duncan

Since Arne Duncan took over as Secretary of Education~ his YouTube channelhas uploaded more than 450 videos and counting (currently 462)~ which follow many of his television spots~ speeches and school appearances and address some of the tough questions he regularly receives. Lately~ he's been bouncing around the country talking to educators and the public at both K-12 schools and institutions of higher education~ all in an attempt to better...

State Education Agencies Are Not in the...

Ask practitioners and administrations on the ground in the education system about state education agencies (SEAs), and you may encounter skepticism. SEAs need not be considered antiquated bodies, as they are the heart of leadership in a states education system. SEAs monitor compliance and accountability, but they also provide support for policy design and implementation. These entities are well positioned to use high quality research in policy and practice, but there is variation in efficacy...

Banning Dodge Ball?

Banning Dodge Ball?

A New Hampshire school district has banned the game many of us grew up playing and probably supervised during recess as adults. The school board felt that the game~ which involves human targets~ is not appropriate. Some people are calling the decision ridiculous. Others are saying it was the right decision.Here's my humble opinion.

Although dodge ball was something I used to play(after my favorite-kickball) and as a teacher~an activity I used to supervise...

In the News:Gustave Whitehead or the...

In the News-Gustave Whitehead is being credited as having the FIRST successful powered flight in history(Bridgeport~ CT~ on August 14~ 1901)~ two years before the Wright Brothers~ by Jane's All the World's Aircraft. Whitehead's craft~ called the Condor~ did two flights on that date. Reaching 50 Ft.~ the distance covered was 1 1/2 miles.

Things to discuss:

1. Do you think that history books will be changed to give Gustave Whitehead credit for what he did?

2. Why do you think...
