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High Schooler Sets Physics World Abuzz

issac newtonA 16-year-old German high school student has written a paper that purports to have solved two mysteries that were beyond the intellect of the great Isaac Newton.

Shouryya Ray, an Indian-born student who won second prize this month in the math and informatics category for Germany's Jugend Forscht student science competition created formulas to answer the following questions that have puzzled scientists for centuries:

How do you account for air resistance in calculating the trajectory of ball thrown out at an angle?

Precisely how does a ball thrown against the wall rebound?

Because Ray's paper was a school-based project and was submitted for a contest, it is not subject to the publication process and peer review that professional work typically goes through. That has led some experts in the field to reserve jugement of the work until they've seen it for themselves.

However, everyone who has commented about Ray's paper has said it is an achievement that very few high schoolers could duplicate.


Talent: Advice to Teachers from Students

  1. Advice to teachers can come from many sources.
  2. When asking my students to give advice to increase the talents of first year teachers~ here is what they have to say:
  3. 1. Talent-we students know you are talented but we don't know if you...

Super Caught Plagiarizing Welcome Letter

A superintendent in Ohio stirred up controversy when he was caught having plagiarized a letter welcoming parents, students and staff.

Dr. Glenn Faircloth, superintendent of Lorain County JVS in Oberlin, Ohio, admitted to using large parts of another welcome letter, penned by a different superintendent in New York.

"I liked how it was worded. I thought it was...

Talent: The "4 H" Requirements

As a teaching Head of High School, I seek the wisdom of those around me to nurture my spirit and feed my soul. We need this "food" to sustain a service-centered heart in teaching and leading. My colleague, Jane, so nurtured and inspired me yesterday; and, as a kindergarten teach and a teaching Head of Elementary School, she asked all of us to consider developing our talent in four ways:

  1. 1. Honesty-As difficult as it can be, we must be honest with ourselves, our colleagues, and our...

Sometimes Teachers Wonder

Dear Mrs. Tuttingsgood~

Thanks for the extra time you spent with me on my spelling every Tuesday and Wednesday after school this year. The tootering really helped a lot.

This poem is based on a letter that my wife received many years ago. It had us laughing for hours. I still laugh out loud every time I think of it. Fortunately~ she was his math tutor.

This poem is excerpted~ with publisher permission~...

Know Thy Student-Training in Social-...

Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Lao Tzu~ Tao Te Ching

About five years ago~ when I first began teaching gifted children~ I had no idea what to expect.

Here are some of the social-emotional challenges I faced:

One girl~ whenever receiving anything less than a 90 percent on her tests~ would crawl up under her desk in a ball and cry for an hour until I could coax her out (boy~ I was happy to get a C in geometrynot the best student...

Teaching A-Z(Advice to New Teachers)

I Posted this last year but thought with lots of new teachers at the forums~ it might be of value. Feel free to add any additional suggestions to the Teaching A-Z list.
Have a wonderful school year.
Gail Hennessey

A-Always exhibit an interest in what you are teaching. If you think its important ~ your students will~ too. Have an assessment for how to grade your students.

B- Be prepared with your lesson. Have bell ringers to keep students on task when you are collecting...

Buzz about Bees- Fun Facts to Wow your...

Starting the school year and need an activity? I have just added another topic at my website for teachers/kids~ FACTS to Wow your Friends! This time~ the information is on bees. Did you know that bees can actually sense the location of land mines or that a honeybee can move its wings about 11~400 times a minute? Read these and about 20 other bee facts under the BUZZ about BEES at this link: http://www.gailhennessey...

Talent: Create New Year Resolves

As teachers~ we are charged with continuously growing our talents. Our colleagues need it from us; our students expect it of us; our leaders know it is in us; and~ parents/society assume it of us! What commitments are you making for your personal and professional cultivation this year? It is wonderful that we get to make new year's resolutions every September. Here are mine:
1. Provide myself the time each day to read inspirational thoughts to share with...

Talent: To Teach Them To Fly

I spent this first week of school on a myriad of community building exercises in my Constitutional Law/Government class~ Journalism~ and World Literature classes at Williamsburg Christian Academy. My affective goal was simple: develop talent and advance community!
I am fortunate enough to work in an environment were the affective goals are encouraged as part of our motto-"teaching them to fly."After our usual parade of "warm-ups"~ "speak-ups"~ and "get-ups"~ I...

Common Core- Not Enough for the Gifted

The National Association for Gifted Children has stated that the Common Core standards are not enough for gifted students.
In other words~ the Common Core provides students with the basic skills and thought process to be ready for college and the workplace~ but the standards were not specifically designed to challenge and provide differentiation for gifted children. I wholeheartedly agree.

Common Core should be a starting point for teachers working with gifted kidsnot the end all...
