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High Schooler Sets Physics World Abuzz

issac newtonA 16-year-old German high school student has written a paper that purports to have solved two mysteries that were beyond the intellect of the great Isaac Newton.

Shouryya Ray, an Indian-born student who won second prize this month in the math and informatics category for Germany's Jugend Forscht student science competition created formulas to answer the following questions that have puzzled scientists for centuries:

How do you account for air resistance in calculating the trajectory of ball thrown out at an angle?

Precisely how does a ball thrown against the wall rebound?

Because Ray's paper was a school-based project and was submitted for a contest, it is not subject to the publication process and peer review that professional work typically goes through. That has led some experts in the field to reserve jugement of the work until they've seen it for themselves.

However, everyone who has commented about Ray's paper has said it is an achievement that very few high schoolers could duplicate.


Southern Word Uses Poetry To Empower

Southern Word works with poet coaches and other mentors to use creativity to help develop literacy and presentation skills in students. These skills help many kids going from high school through to the beginning of college connect the dots between education and their lives.

Southern Word does many local programs~ helping to establish young students as leaders in their communities all through using spoken word poetry. This includes spoken word school residencies~ after school...

Five Reasons Why All Teachers Should Be...

Ive spent the last four years of my education careerimmersed in gifted education as a practicing teacher of the gifted and a graduate student in gifted education. The more I study the subject~ the more I am convinced that every teacher should be required to take gifted education courses to some extent.

Believe me~ I realize how busy teachers are and the demands that are placed upon educators. However~ if we can make time for professional development~ then we can find time to complete...

Creating Music...with the Eiffel Tower...

IN the NEWS....
Possible Bell RInger Activity

Piano~ guitar and drums are instruments...but the Eiffel Tower? Composer Joseph Bertolozzi is creating on opus~ "Tower Music" using the Eiffel Tower as his instrument! The American Bertolozzi says banging different sized mallets~ drumsticks and a lambs wool covered log against the tower's girders~ railings and panels creates sounds similar to that of marimbas~ Indonesian gamelan gongs and metallic drums. Before...

President to Bring High-Speed Internet...

In an effort to boost achievement and better prepare students for the workforce, President Obama is spearheading a program that will bring high-speed Internet access to 99 percent of America's K-12 schools.

Dubbed ConnectED, the program aims to accomplish its goal in the next five years. In addition to bringing Internet speeds of at least 100 Mbps and...

Using the News in the classroom: Moving...

With the pressure of testing creating more focus on getting kids ready for tests~ current events may be getting moved to the side-lines. Use news stories as possible Bell ringer activities(or whatever the current jargon is for a short activity for the students to do) especially while you are checking homework~ doing attendance~ at the end of the period~etc.) Find a news story~ write up a brief summary and then include two reaction questions for the students...

Summer Skills

Summer is an excellent time to learn new skills and sharpen old ones.

Courses in common core standards~ classroom management~ and differentiated instruction all have their value. However~ Id like to offer a slightly different suggestion for summertime training. Think of it as an opportunity to develop a new skill or gain a new experience~ one that might be a little out of the box but could add great value to your classroom.

What do I mean?

What if you took an acting...

Android Apps to Invade Schools

Android apps are planning an invasion of the education market, and teachers and administrators are taking sides in a serious tech battle.

The recent announcement of Google’s new app store for educators is interesting for a number of reasons. The move signals a clear attempt to cut off what, up until this point, has been a hard line between Apple and the K-12...

Summer Fever

Lets face it many of us feel exhausted by this time of the school year.
Others have mentally checked out.
Your students, in similar fashion, are dreaming of sandy beaches, lemonade, sleeping in late, and playing video games until their fingers hurt.
I call it the Summer Fever, and like germs, its highly contagious. With standardized testing complete, many students begin to feel like the school year is over. The problem is, its not. We are left with the demands of teaching,...

iPad Keyboard Made for Schools

A new keyboard from the folks at Logitech has got K-12 teachers salivating. Unlike other keyboards, the Wired Keyboard for iPad plugs into the device rather than connecting via Bluetooth.

The advantages Bluetooth provides are well documented, but largely lost in a classroom of 20+ students. Logitech argues that it is a challenge for teachers to simultaneously pair...

How do you FInish up the School Year?

How do you finish up the school year?
So many things to do on the check off list. In addition to lots of administrative requirements~ here are some things I also do before I close the door with a "'s summer!" and leave the building.
1. Before the students leave~ I have them write a Dear Incoming 6th grade letter. I tell the students to list a couple of tips that they'd like to give the incoming students about my social studies class and how to be...
