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Seton Hall Giving Windows Away...Sort Of

Seton HallSeton Hall University is partnering with Microsoft to outfit all 2012 incoming freshmen with a bundle of Windows devices in an effort to better prepare them for the 21st Century workplace.

Included in the package of tech includes a Nokia Lumia mobile phone featuring Windows Phone 8 and Samsung Series 5 Ultrabook running Windows 8. Schools officials are touting the tech bundle as a difference-maker in the world of post-secondary education.

“This year’s freshmen class will be on the cutting edge of a totally new approach to mobile computing,” The Seton Hall Web site reads. “We call it an ‘educational ecosystem’ because it deploys the most advanced and integrated technology system in higher education. SHU Mobile Computing brings tomorrow’s workplace to campus today so that our students will be prepared for careers that demand greater fluency in technology.”

Seton Hall president Dr. Gabriel Esteban said the Windows products will help undergrads as they prepare for their careers.

“We want to give all our students access to the technology they need to be successful learners and future leaders,” Esteban said.

Microsoft, AT&T, Nokia and Seton Hall are providing voice, text and data plan (free through the end of 2012) to students who receive the Lumia phones. The university is unclear if students will be forced to pick up the voice, text and data bills after the free period ends in a few months, or whether students who already own mobile phones will be required to take and eventually pay for the Windows devices.


Juneteeth, 2024

Juneteenth. In 1865, the last enslaved people (in Texas) learned that they were free people. Actually, the Emancipation Proclamation, of 1863, freed the enslaved people in southern states, but those in Texas didn’t learn about their freedom for TWO more years. June and the date, 19th, were joined to create the word,Juneteenth. In 2021, President Biden signed the legislation into law making Juneteenth a federal holiday.


Tips for Educators: Look Before You Leap

In my many years in education and school administration I have met a large number of unhappy educators. I used to tell our undergraduate teacher candidates at a college to do your research about the school and the position before you sign your contract. Look at all aspects of the school (culture and climate), location, reputation, salary, benefits, working conditions, teacher assignments and schedule, extracurricular expectations, etc. If at all possible I do not recommend settling for a...

Tips for Educators: Refresh Your CV and...

As you continue your educational journey as a teacher or administrator, you should update your CV and portfolio. I always recommend that you keep a folder, paper or electronic, for activities you want to remember for future reference. This is useful if you ever plan on transferring or applying for a promotion. I suggest that you add to your folder at least during the winter and summer break. Of course you can do more often but it can become a habit if you do this at least twice a year. This...

Tips for Educators - Waiting for the...

When you have applied for a new position at a different school, you have probably wondered why it has taken the school so long to notify you about the interview or their hiring decision. This can be for several reasons. Unfortunately, some schools don’t even bother to inform you they have received your application or CV. If they have received your application or CV, they have decided that you don’t fit what they are looking for. If you have not heard anything in a week to 10 days, I think...

Tips For Educators: School Culture

What to experience as you are applying for a new school.

Every school has a culture.

When you have a group of people together for any period of time, a culture emerges that consists of a set of customs, beliefs, values and norms. This culture can either create a sense of mutual purpose, a mission, a vision, values, and goals or perpetrate discord. Every school has a culture, unseen but it is there. A very important aspect of school. A positive culture can make for a positive...

Tips For Educators: Before The Interview

Improving your interviewing skills is important but here are some tips for you to prepare for that all important interview.

The first thing I would strongly suggest is to be on time to the interview. Whether it is a face to face or a zoom meeting, be on time. Arriving late is never a good first impression. Last year I interviewed close to 300 candidates and I was sadly disappointed on how many were late. Know the time, day, and location of the interview. I would even suggest driving...

Before The Interview: Tips For Educators

Improving your interviewing skills is important but here are some tips for you to prepare for that all important interview.

The first thing I would strongly suggest is to be on time to the interview. Whether it is a face to face or a zoom meeting, be on time. Arriving late is never a good first impression. Last year I interviewed close to 300 candidates and I was sadly disappointed on how many were late. Know the time, day, and location of the interview. I would even suggest driving...

Tips for Educators: Not Promoted, Now...

Plan B

Once you are initially hired as a teacher or administrator, you may wish to set your sights on a different position in the educational field. This is normal and certainly not unusual. However, your career goals may not always align with the decision makers due to a number of factors.

If you don’t get the position what can you do? Promotions are out of your hands. You hope you have the necessary academic qualifications and experience but you don’t always know. A...

Tips for Educators: The Portfolio

Most schools and school districts do not use applications anymore for employment due to the threat of lawsuits a from legal challenges on the application forms. This is especially true in the United States where I spent 38 years in school and university administration.

So now candidates use their own CVs to apply for an educational opportunity. The CV is the first step in the hiring process. As I have said and written many times the CV is short and to the point, just a page or two....

Tips for Teachers: Possible Interview...

I was a school and college administrator since 1977 and have interviewed hundreds of candidates. When a teacher shows up for an interview we expect to see several things:
Be on time, dress appropriately, be prepared-know the position you are applying for as well as the school, be enthusiastic, show a good personality, have the relevant skills, make sure you have the proper qualifications and certifications, be confident, and sell yourself-why are you the best person for the job.

