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Seton Hall Giving Windows Away...Sort Of

Seton HallSeton Hall University is partnering with Microsoft to outfit all 2012 incoming freshmen with a bundle of Windows devices in an effort to better prepare them for the 21st Century workplace.

Included in the package of tech includes a Nokia Lumia mobile phone featuring Windows Phone 8 and Samsung Series 5 Ultrabook running Windows 8. Schools officials are touting the tech bundle as a difference-maker in the world of post-secondary education.

“This year’s freshmen class will be on the cutting edge of a totally new approach to mobile computing,” The Seton Hall Web site reads. “We call it an ‘educational ecosystem’ because it deploys the most advanced and integrated technology system in higher education. SHU Mobile Computing brings tomorrow’s workplace to campus today so that our students will be prepared for careers that demand greater fluency in technology.”

Seton Hall president Dr. Gabriel Esteban said the Windows products will help undergrads as they prepare for their careers.

“We want to give all our students access to the technology they need to be successful learners and future leaders,” Esteban said.

Microsoft, AT&T, Nokia and Seton Hall are providing voice, text and data plan (free through the end of 2012) to students who receive the Lumia phones. The university is unclear if students will be forced to pick up the voice, text and data bills after the free period ends in a few months, or whether students who already own mobile phones will be required to take and eventually pay for the Windows devices.


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