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Office Comes to iPad, Sort of

hopToWhile there's currently no version of Microsoft Office for iPad, a young software firm, hopTo Inc., is providing iPad users with a convenient workaround.

hopTo allows users to create, open and edit Office documents on the iPad before saving them to the cloud. The current version supports both Word and Excel files, with PowerPoint slated for an upcoming update. CNet's Lance Whitney has put the app through its paces, and his findings are positive.

"You can access files and documents from Dropbox, Box and Google Drive. A representative for hopTo told me the company plans to add support for Microsoft SkyDrive in the near future. You also can retrieve files from your local computer by installing a File Connector program. For now, the program works only on Windows PCs, but hopTo said that Mac support is coming soon."  

While the app's performance is garnering positive reviews, its most valuable feature may be its price. hopTo is currently available in The App store for free.


IMPEACHMENT: What is this Word Called...

With two articles of impeachment against Donald J. Trump,(the 45th president of the United States), became only the 3rd president in U.S. history, to ever be impeached. ...

It's the Time of Year to Learn...

With this being the time of year for the story, A Christmas Carol, it's a great opportunity to learn about its author,Charles Dickens. One of the most famous writers of all times,Dickens also wrote Oliver Twist, Great Expectations, A Tale of Two Cities, David Copperfield and more. 

Today, a person who is very tight with money, is often called a scrooge,...

Mindfulness-Based Supervision: Creating...

Author's note: The following is an excerpt from my upcoming book, tentatively titled: The Awakened Supervisor: Embedding Mindfulness-based Practices in Instructional Supervision (Rowman & Littlefield).

The Benefits of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is an ancient technique originating from Buddhism that has found its way into all aspects of the West. The most commonly used definition of mindfulness is Kabat-Zinn’s (2003): “the awareness that emerges...

December 1st is Rosa Parks Day!

On December 1, 1955, a tired seamstress living in Montgomery, Alabama, made history....

The Global Search for Education: The...

“It’s really encouraging  to see an increasing number of models that take a learner-centric approach which considers  the challenges that young people face today.” – Polly Akhurst

Only 23% of the millions of displaced refugees around the world have access to a quality secondary education. How do you address the challenges...

The Global Search for Education: Are...

“Children are increasingly required to navigate ambiguity, reconcile conflicting viewpoints and identify fake or misleading online content. The key is to strike the right balance between empowering children to take advantage of the digital world while also protecting them from potential risks.” – Tracey Burns 

What is...

Turkey Fun Facts! Share with Kids

November is Thanksgiving time and most of us will be celebrating with a turkey dinner. Did you...

Thanksgiving is Coming: Pilgrims...

1. Over the years, many people took samples of...

What Became of the Mayflower? A Reading...

Ever wonder what became of the Mayflower? The ship sailed with 102 Pilgrims over the Atlantic to North America, in...
