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Office Comes to iPad, Sort of

hopToWhile there's currently no version of Microsoft Office for iPad, a young software firm, hopTo Inc., is providing iPad users with a convenient workaround.

hopTo allows users to create, open and edit Office documents on the iPad before saving them to the cloud. The current version supports both Word and Excel files, with PowerPoint slated for an upcoming update. CNet's Lance Whitney has put the app through its paces, and his findings are positive.

"You can access files and documents from Dropbox, Box and Google Drive. A representative for hopTo told me the company plans to add support for Microsoft SkyDrive in the near future. You also can retrieve files from your local computer by installing a File Connector program. For now, the program works only on Windows PCs, but hopTo said that Mac support is coming soon."  

While the app's performance is garnering positive reviews, its most valuable feature may be its price. hopTo is currently available in The App store for free.


The Global Search for Education: Let’s...

“We already have over 60 million games on the Kahoot! platform, most of which are user generated, and we want to encourage content makers to create more content in different formats — which is similar to Netflix’s model.” –  Sean D’Arcy

Kahoot’s journey began in 2012, when founders Morten Versvik, Johan Brand, and Jamie Brooker...

The Global Search for Education:...

“We aim to create inspired design briefs for future-oriented schools developed and supported by the whole organization.” – Lene Jensby Lange

Our world continues to change at a dramatic pace and yet the learning spaces our children spend so much time in have not. Lene Jensby Lange is an entrepreneur, consultant, and...

The Global Search for Education:...

“I would say that the way the world has reacted to Greta Thunberg, to Malala Yousafzai, to the Parkland Students Organization is symptomatic of our slowly waking up to the fact that the common sense and wisdom of today is coming from below.” – Scilla Elworthy

How can we give people the skills they need to prevent...

The Global Search for Education: What...

“I think that more and more learning happens outside of the classroom in the real world environment solving real-world problems. – Riku Alkio

Seppo is a Finnish company that specializes in game-based learning. Seppo’s gamification platform (called Seppo) is designed for interactive and personalized learning and...

The Global Search for Education: Global...

“This project is completely student-created and student-run.” – Lisa Gottfried 

Creative problem solving is as important as STEM, and a day-long hack-a-thon based in California is putting the focus on creativity instead of coding.  A developer in today’s world needs more than engineering, math and tech skills...

Interactive Notebook Activity on US...


1. Dogs, cats...

Chocolate FUN: Possible Interactive...

Do you love chocolate? If you do, you may want to...

How Much of “You” Are You Bringing into...

One of the best strategies I have learned came from my first mentor, famed teacher Rafe Esquith. He said to find ways to bring your own interests and passions into the classroom and somehow connect them to the curriculum. For example, if you love cooking, find a way to cook with your students.

This simple approach has several benefits: first, you enjoy teaching more, as you are teaching topics you love and find fascinating, not just what you are mandated to teach. Second, your...
