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Office Comes to iPad, Sort of

hopToWhile there's currently no version of Microsoft Office for iPad, a young software firm, hopTo Inc., is providing iPad users with a convenient workaround.

hopTo allows users to create, open and edit Office documents on the iPad before saving them to the cloud. The current version supports both Word and Excel files, with PowerPoint slated for an upcoming update. CNet's Lance Whitney has put the app through its paces, and his findings are positive.

"You can access files and documents from Dropbox, Box and Google Drive. A representative for hopTo told me the company plans to add support for Microsoft SkyDrive in the near future. You also can retrieve files from your local computer by installing a File Connector program. For now, the program works only on Windows PCs, but hopTo said that Mac support is coming soon."  

While the app's performance is garnering positive reviews, its most valuable feature may be its price. hopTo is currently available in The App store for free.


The Global Search For Education: Will...

“For students who have never had the opportunity to travel outside of their town or country, this kind of collaborative learning experience can be completely transformative.” – Joe Troyen

An opportunity to learn about other cultures and ways of life directly from one’s international peers themselves...

A New School Year- Decorating the...

Importance of decorating your classroom - A new school year is beginning.

I read a recent study by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University that a decorated room is distracting and  can negatively impact the learning of our students. Although they don’t say teachers should go to a bare classroom, it is suggested that teachers think about whether “some of their visas displays may be distracting to young...

Leveraging Social Media to Engage Your...

As teachers, we are lifelong learners that want to be the best we can be. In my opinion, we are always changing and learning, and we want to do what is right for the students we teach. I always tell my students that I am a mentor, guide, cheerleader, and co-learner. As you approach another new course with students that are needing you to give them your all, what will you do to ensure that you are being innovative...

World Elephant Day is August 12th:...


Teachers: Are you Conscious?

Mindfulness-or training one’s attention to focus on the present moment-has become all the rage, filtering into schools and classrooms. Books and articles suggest that teachers and students can benefit from mindfulness practices such as mindful breathing, meditation, and mindful walking.

While I subscribe to the concept of mindfulness, the term might put off some educators, who don’t want to get up in cultural nuances or esoteric practices. Therefore, let’s use the phrase, conscious...

Should Releasing Helium Balloons into...

Have you ever released a helium filled balloon into the sky? Have you sent up a birthday balloon, a balloon in memory of a loved one or a balloon with a message attached in hopes someone will find it and contact you...

The Global Search for Education: Making...

“Storytelling is one of the most human and powerful forms of explaining complex situations.” – Eva Dominguez

Students of the digital era are preparing themselves for an increasingly connected world, which enables them to work from anywhere, to be curious and savvy about current affairs, to adapt constantly and hone...

The Global Search for Education:...

“We want to know what industries are using, what they need, and to try and adjust our curriculums accordingly where possible.” – Ryan Ball

How do you contextualize STEAM education and upskill students and teachers with timely knowledge, competencies and skills that are required for the modern workplace?...

The Global Search for Education:...

"At this very moment we have a community of 350 passionate teachers across 75 countries, offering free Skype lessons.” – Koen Timmers

In the era of globalization, interactions and learning between students of different countries have become a necessity for classrooms. Koen Timmers, an award-winning...
