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iPad Keyboard Made for Schools

A new keyboard from the folks at Logitech has got K-12 teachers salivating. Unlike other keyboards, the Wired Keyboard for iPad plugs into the device rather than connecting via Bluetooth.

The advantages Bluetooth provides are well documented, but largely lost in a classroom of 20+ students. Logitech argues that it is a challenge for teachers to simultaneously pair multiple iPads with multiple wireless Bluetooth keyboards in the classroom and that with a wired keyboard, kids can connect without any help.

CNet reports that the keyboard will come in Lightning connector or 30-pin connector versions and have an MSRP of $59.99. The Lightning version is due to ship in August; the 30-pin version will ship in October.


Presidents' Day is Coming:...


1. Dogs, cats and birds have often found a home in the White House. 


Using Morning Procedures to Start the...

Dr. Shipley hears the school bell ring and knows that the children will be entering the classroom soon. Everything is set up, organized, and ready for the day. The room is spacious and quiet, but any minute it will be busy and inhabited by the community members that live there each day. Daily procedures are taught from day one and continue throughout the entire school year. Students know what to expect and what...

Here's What's Missing from...

Examine any standard lesson plan template and you’ll likely to see the same categories and domains: standards, learning objectives, step-by-step plans, accommodations for various student populations, assessment, etc.

Lesson-planning is fundamental to teaching. Working from a well-thought-out plan (while it might and probably should change as you teach and gain more knowledge of your students) is a sound strategy. Some teachers use spartan plans while others utilize long, scripted out...

Why the Art of Visual Writing?


Do your students struggle with written or oral expression? Imagine bringing writing to life so every learning style is engaged, enriched, encouraged and expressed. What if writing is more than scratching the surface of a paper with the narrow tip of a pencil, but embellished with the broad strokes of a brush &...

Valentine's Day Fun Facts


Valentine’s Day and the...

Around the World in 30 Days – January...

C.M. Rubin’s Global Education Report

Biased algorithms are everywhere, so at a critical moment in the evolution of machine learning and AI, why aren’t we talking about the societal issues this poses?  ...

The Global Search for Education: AI,...

“Algorithms are as biased as the humans who designed or commissioned them with a certain intention. We should therefore spark an open debate about the goals of software systems with social impact.” — Ralph Müller-Eiselt

Biased algorithms are everywhere, so at a critical moment in the evolution of machine...

The Global Search For Education: Impact...

“The pressures in systems in the North is to compete to ensure more and more learners are succeeding in acquiring higher order learning skills as articulated in cross-national tests like PISA, PIRLS and TIMSS.” — Brahm Fleisch

The North-South or Rich-Poor Divide is the socio-economic and political division...

Black History Month is in February:...
Dr. Carter G. Woodson, organized a two week period in February,in 1926, to highlight contributions of African Americans. In 1976, the month of February was established as Black History Month. The month of February was selected as it was the month in which both Frederick...
