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iPad Keyboard Made for Schools

A new keyboard from the folks at Logitech has got K-12 teachers salivating. Unlike other keyboards, the Wired Keyboard for iPad plugs into the device rather than connecting via Bluetooth.

The advantages Bluetooth provides are well documented, but largely lost in a classroom of 20+ students. Logitech argues that it is a challenge for teachers to simultaneously pair multiple iPads with multiple wireless Bluetooth keyboards in the classroom and that with a wired keyboard, kids can connect without any help.

CNet reports that the keyboard will come in Lightning connector or 30-pin connector versions and have an MSRP of $59.99. The Lightning version is due to ship in August; the 30-pin version will ship in October.


Transitioning: Elementary to Middle to...

Often the students are very excited to move from one grade/school to another. As a former middle and high school principal, I found the folks with the biggest concerns often were the parents. In elementary school (at least in the early years) parents are usually very upset with the separation anxiety of their children. Especially if the child is the oldest or the only child. Where I work now, we are a pre-K through 12th grade school and we have the parents of the little ones walk their...

Teacher Leaders

One of the challenges that face educators is to prepare pre-service teachers with the skills and abilities that are essential for success in the school system. Since this preparation may span several years, it is essential that educators be aware of trends in areas outside the usual responsibilities of teacher.  One of these unfamiliar areas is the change that is emerging is developing teacher leaders.

This change is in response to societal demands that teachers have more input into...

School Shooting in Florida

Here we go again…another horrific school shooting. This time in Florida (I lived and worked there in education for 30 years). Another wringing of hands, people expressing their outrage, call for prayers and condolences but that does not help these victims and the victims at the next school shooting. And there will be another one. The US has to come to grips with the problem. Too many guns (and the wrong type of guns) in the hands of the wrong people. When will it end?

But since...

The Global Search For Education: Policy...

“Globalization, the increasing diversity of our populations, the consolidation of the knowledge-based society, and the increase in inequalities, among other factors, are influencing education directly and indirectly.” — Beatriz Pont

How has globalization affected the approach of education systems to policy? What are...

The Global Search for Education: I...

“The important thing for parents and educators is to focus children on their learning process. When children do well, parents and educators can appreciate their success, but also make sure to tie it to their process—their hard work, good strategies, or good use of resources.” — Carol Dweck

Carol Dweck’s growth...

Another School Shooting, Another Tragic...

I am taking to my soap box as this is my blog.  I taught in the public school for 33 years. Seeing a place of learning become a killing field is beyond comprehension...

The Need for More Parent Involvement in...

My message is not necessarily that parents are important (we know this) but you must do what you can to get parents involved in your school. I would make phone calls, emails, hand out invitation to meet with me when I was a principal to parents as they dropped off and picked up their children, used message boards, etc. I would not stop “hounding parents” to get them involved with the school.

Briefly at one middle school where I was a principal our PTA over two years: saw our test...

The Case for School Security Officers

As school safety is paramount on everyone’s mind, especially after what happened in Florida last week, making schools safer with additional and better security is always needed. I have read statistics that there is a campus shooting once a week in America. When I was a principal, we were able to hire school security officers. These men and women were trained (but not deputized) by our district and did not carry weapons. They did wear uniforms so they were easily recognizable by the school...

Tips for the Aspiring Principal

Many assistant principals (although not all) want to be a principal. To be an assistant principal (AP) at any educational level is a very complex, demanding and difficult challenge and always underappreciated. So is the principalship! In most school districts they have three to four times the number of APs as principal’s so the numbers alone may mean that you might never become a principal. Here are some simple strategies that I hope will make those aspiration become reality!

The AP...

Growing Your Own - Preparing for the...

All senior educators are very concerned about the tremendous need for new and better principals. Different strategies are in place to fill vacancies in the principalship. Principals can be developed from the existing ranks of educators, hired from outside the education field or through a combination of both. To meet the immediate needs, most school districts want to grow their own principals. Many districts will hire from outside their districts but there can be a learning curve involved....
