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iPad Keyboard Made for Schools

A new keyboard from the folks at Logitech has got K-12 teachers salivating. Unlike other keyboards, the Wired Keyboard for iPad plugs into the device rather than connecting via Bluetooth.

The advantages Bluetooth provides are well documented, but largely lost in a classroom of 20+ students. Logitech argues that it is a challenge for teachers to simultaneously pair multiple iPads with multiple wireless Bluetooth keyboards in the classroom and that with a wired keyboard, kids can connect without any help.

CNet reports that the keyboard will come in Lightning connector or 30-pin connector versions and have an MSRP of $59.99. The Lightning version is due to ship in August; the 30-pin version will ship in October.


Coach Me, Don’t Evaluate Me

I never saw great value in being formally observed by an administrator or peer-evaluator, receiving some feedback and never hearing from them again. As an elementary teacher, that just didn’t feel like the best approach.

Sure, I received direct feedback and benefited from having an outside person “objectively” observe my teaching practices—but it felt flat, like something was missing. What was missing, in my opinion, was the coaching aspect. Someone to work alongside me, to guide me...

Do YOU Use a Plastic Straw?

You are sitting in a restaurant and a server brings over a glass of water and drops a plastic straw...

Are We Being Fair to Students? Opening...

I often believe we are academically restricting students on a daily basis. In our efforts to make learning gains and boost test scores, we have narrowed our view of learning and understanding, and thus, severely restricted the ways students can demonstrate learning.

Think about it. How often our students given a paper-and-pencil test (in this highly digital age)? How many essays or written response exams do students take each school year? Now, there’s nothing inherently wrong with...

Listening Centers in the Classroom –...

Listening to reading helps students develop fluency, expression, and comprehension skills. Creating a Listening Center in your classroom can help support reader focus and build student confidence, which translates to success.

Organizing and maintaining listening centers that keep students independently engaged can be tricky.

Our friends over at Primary Paradise share some simple but highly...

How to Easily Add Diversity to Your...

Even if the make-up of your classroom and school isn’t particularly diverse, it’s still so important to share a variety of diverse chapter books with our students that reflect our students and the overall population. My favorite moments in my classroom are always the times when I look around the room and all of my students have their nose in a different book. When I see each of my students engaged in reading (and I’m...

The Global Search for Education:...

The Children in India 2012 study found that approximately 48% of India’s children are “stunted” and 20% are “wasted”. It also showed that 40% of children between the 5th and 7th grade dropped out of school. Most of these...

Fun Facts About Our Oceans to Share...

Check out my latest article, "Art for the Sea", in the current issue of Highlights for Children. All of Angela Pozzi's amazing art sculptures were created from plastics that washed ashore...

What Do Strong Leaders Do?

When you think back to the best manager, boss, or leader you have ever had, what are the traits or characteristics you remember? As a principal, there were several things I liked to do to make sure that my teachers felt supported. It is important that our teachers feel like they are valued, a part of a community, and what they are doing matters. 
These are listed of ideas, in no particular order, because...
