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iPad Keyboard Made for Schools

A new keyboard from the folks at Logitech has got K-12 teachers salivating. Unlike other keyboards, the Wired Keyboard for iPad plugs into the device rather than connecting via Bluetooth.

The advantages Bluetooth provides are well documented, but largely lost in a classroom of 20+ students. Logitech argues that it is a challenge for teachers to simultaneously pair multiple iPads with multiple wireless Bluetooth keyboards in the classroom and that with a wired keyboard, kids can connect without any help.

CNet reports that the keyboard will come in Lightning connector or 30-pin connector versions and have an MSRP of $59.99. The Lightning version is due to ship in August; the 30-pin version will ship in October.


Light Up St Patrick's Day - FREE...

Having taught in an elementary school named after the great Saint himself, I have celebrated many of these days in a haze of green!

The students would come to school dressed in their greenery and my first order of the day was to take a portrait of each student in my class. I used my ‘good camera’ and took some beautiful photos of the students individually, in groups and then as a whole class.

I would digitally create a placemat collage, for each student, using the pictures...

Pi Day Is Coming! Possible Interactive...

1. Pi is the circumference of any circle, divided by its diameter. No matter the size of the circle, Pi is always the same! (3.14)
2. In 2015, Rajveer Meene, of India, memorized the first 70,030 digits of pi! It took him 17 hours and 14...

Building Relationships With Families

In this article, I would like to explain how to build relationships throughout the year. As teachers, we want families to be involved, and it is never too late to start building relationships. What can you do at the beginning of the year, the middle of the year, and even the end of the...

The Global Search for Education: How to...

“The jobs of the future will require a hybrid set of skills from a variety of subject areas that will change several times over during our careers, which will include a mix of hard skills and soft skills.” – Anant Agarwal

The second Yidan Prize Summit took place in Hong Kong on December 10, 2018. Founded by Dr...

The Global Search for Education: Video...

“Being able to translate your story into over 120 languages is increasingly important in a global world.”

– Anurag Dwivedi 

Audiences in today’s world are increasingly consuming information on the internet in visual and interactive ways. Every industry is exploring ways to transform and present content...

Sharing Books With Students

There are so many great things we can do with children's literature. As a teacher, I always wanted to know and understand the excitement children have for "one" book. I would share the same book for an entire week with different activities, and they never seemed bored but always...

Debating Valentine’s Day, a la 18th and...

Debating Valentine’s Day, a la 18th and 19th Century European Thinkers

February is about to come to a close and with it passes the mass-marketed holiday of Valentine’s Day. It seems at points that little thought is given to the historical origins of the day, and instead we are bombarded by advertisements for greeting cards, flowers, candies, stuffed animals and all things pink and red.

Working in high schools on Valentine’s Day can be both exhilarating and frustrating....

International Polar Bear Day is...

International Polar Bear Day is February 27th. It is also called National Polar Bear Day. Polar bears are in great trouble. With the warming of the Arctic waters, there are less ice sheets for polar bears to use to  hunt seals. On this day, people are asked to try and reduce their carbon footprint. 
In the News: Polar Bears Come to Town!

Last week, residents of Guba, Siberia,had a group of...
