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iPad Keyboard Made for Schools

A new keyboard from the folks at Logitech has got K-12 teachers salivating. Unlike other keyboards, the Wired Keyboard for iPad plugs into the device rather than connecting via Bluetooth.

The advantages Bluetooth provides are well documented, but largely lost in a classroom of 20+ students. Logitech argues that it is a challenge for teachers to simultaneously pair multiple iPads with multiple wireless Bluetooth keyboards in the classroom and that with a wired keyboard, kids can connect without any help.

CNet reports that the keyboard will come in Lightning connector or 30-pin connector versions and have an MSRP of $59.99. The Lightning version is due to ship in August; the 30-pin version will ship in October.


The Global Search for Education: How...

Understanding the reality of the working world becomes clearer the more times a young person interacts with the world of work.” – Nick Chambers 

The future will be about pairing the cognitive, social and emotional capabilities of human beings with machines. The ‘...

The Global Search for Education: Feel,...

“Our Riverside school uses a curriculum that we call ‘Humane’, and the 5 E’s that shape our curriculum are Empathy, Ethics, Excellence, Elevation and Evolution” – Kiran Bir Sethi

Children are the future. Teach them well and let them lead the way.

Since 2009, Design for Change, based in India, has...

The Global Search for Education: Sharks...

“While human fatalities from sharks average six per year, humans kill 100 million sharks every year.” – William McKeever

“Kill sharks and you kill the marine ecosystem,” says William McKeever, whose ground-breaking book, ...

The Global Search for Education:...

“We believe the training and collaboration with teachers around the world will be absolute key to increasing the adoption more rapidly, and could easily lead to millions of students using VR globally to learn science more effectively.”

– Michael Bodekaer Jensen

Will all students one day have the...

Leprechaun Day is May 13th

Fun May Activity: Celebrate Leprechaun Day, May 13th.

Did You Know? 


Supervising to the Top: Holding High...

There’s an expression in education known as “teaching to the middle.” This means gearing the majority of instruction and curriculum towards students performing at grade level or in the middle of the class.

I’ve never cared for this concept since I believe it produces a mediocre mindset in teaching, and thus, mediocre results.  Rather, I resonate with the idea of teaching to the top of of the class, which means setting the bar high and expecting students to eventually meet those...

The School Year Is Almost Over, Now...

For most teachers, the last days of school are a frantic sprint of classroom tidying, teary goodbyes, and messy end-of-year parties. Teachers are usually too tired or too excited or too busy to take time for reflection. I get it; you really do have to track down that missing library book and account for all your curricular resources.

But when the dust settles and you’ve checked all the boxes on your classroom close-up list, carve out a few hours to systematically reflect before you...

Be the Student You Want Your Students...

It always amazes me when teachers don’t pay attention or act respectively during faculty meetings. Sometimes, teachers can make the most difficult students. During my time as a k-12 teacher, while a principal was speaking to the faculty, some teachers would be on their cell phones, talking among themselves, or grading papers.

It’s also surprising (though, a little less considering their stage of development) when student teachers fail to turn in assignments on time or, similarly, act...
