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Site Seeks to Overhaul Academic Review

Internet startup is moving forward with plans to change the way scientists publish papers, thanks to a second round of funding the company has recieved.

Flush with just over $11 million in capital, Academia is inching closer to its goal of publishing all scientific papers while simultaneously changing the way the peer-review porcess works. Currently, researchers must submit their papers to any of a number of academic journals. The journals then hand the papers over to a different researcher to review before deciding if they have merit and are worthy of publication. Under the model, those same papers would be reviewed by peers on the site, similar to Facebook.

"The goal is to have every single science PDF ever written available for free on the Internet and to build a network of scientists interacting with those papers that will change the face of peer review," the San Francisco-based company told CNet of its mission.


Enlightenment: Gamification Theories of...

  1. I have been wondering, "What learning theories actually support the use of games; where are games most appropriate?" Reminding myself of the differences between intrinsic motivation (doing something for its own joy-the reward is the doing) and extrinsic motivation (doing something for a reward or to avoid a punishment), I decided to push myself to review the model developed by John Keller-ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction). These seem to apply to what I thus far...

The Big Deal Book of Technology for K-...

The fall issue of the Big Deal Book of Technology for K-12 Educators featured Education World, and we couldn't be more honored.

The downloadable eBook of the fall issue:

Our entry is on page 47 in the Fantastic Free Finds section.

The Big Deal Book of Technology for K-12 Educators is a semiannual print and electronic...

Enlightenment: Remember Why You Started...

  1. I am fortunate enough to work in an environment that encourages me to link academic problems to life-struggling questions. By partnering with experts in an area~ we are solving the realistic issues that academic exercises yield. This is more than a "flipped classroom" I can assure you!
  2. My students are creating a literary magazine from conceptual ideals to realistic challenges. Making our work with life links is exciting indeed! Researching~ reading~ selecting options~ and making...

Good Grief, Charlie Brown- Pumpkin...

A pumpkin grown by Tim and Susan Mathison,Napa, California, has smashed the record for its mammoth size. The giant pumpkin weighed in at 2032 pounds! Grown in 105 days, the pumpkin surpassed the 2012 record pumpkin of 20089 pounds. Photograph from

Pretend you are a pumpkin sitting on a front porch on...

A Rubric for Research

Teaching elementary students, as young as first grade, to research is no easy task. It requires enormous patience, persistence, and a belief in your students.

Training children to be young researchers provides them with all kinds of skills, which will help them succeed in college and the workplace.
Research skills have found their own place in the national Common Core English Language Arts standards, which requires students to conduct short and sustained research projects....

Enlightenment: Gamification Essentials...

  1. Autumn is a time for the bright colors and crispness of a season that I always associate with learning. Each day awakens us to possibilities, change, and bright new beginnings.
  2. In that spirit, my students and I are seeking to apply the principles of a new way of learning to this season's academic challenges: gaming! We are enlightening our work in Washington DC with our project called, "Monuments, Memorials and Museums". The project won us an Unsung Heroes Award from ING. The $...

Educator Preparation and the Common...

One of the greatest challenges that the education community faces in implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) initiative is ensuring that the education workforce is ready to help students succeed under these new, higher standards.

Facing this challenge requires providing the current workforce with high-quality professional learning opportunities, something we talk about a great deal at the national level. But it also...

Study: Twitter Talk Reveals Suicide Risk

Researchers from Brigham Young University have found that people who mention suicide in their Twitter posts are likely to attempt the act in real life.

What seems like an obvious conclusion is being interpreted as evidence that teens use the social media platform for more than just posturing. Rather, in many cases, teens take...

Schoolwide Programs--Lessons Learned...

" Go big or go home. Because it's true. What do you have to lose?"
Actress Eliza Dushku

This school year, I implemented a school wide enrichment cluster program---and boy, did I learn a lot.

Anytime, you roll a program out to the entire school population, you better be ready for some things to go wrong. In fact, after I expanded this enrichment program, the problems seemed to grow exponentially.

The good news is that the benefits to students and the...

Technology: Parents-Inspect What You...

  1. Parenting is not easy in the age of instant access. Parents need help and teens need boundaries and supervision. Parents however cannot continue making excuses for their own limitations; the risks are too high for absentee parenting!
  2. An article by Bill Daley in the Tribune Newspapers makes this warning all to clear: "Sexting and Teens-increasing occurrence of risky behavior". The consequences for this...
