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Site Seeks to Overhaul Academic Review

Internet startup is moving forward with plans to change the way scientists publish papers, thanks to a second round of funding the company has recieved.

Flush with just over $11 million in capital, Academia is inching closer to its goal of publishing all scientific papers while simultaneously changing the way the peer-review porcess works. Currently, researchers must submit their papers to any of a number of academic journals. The journals then hand the papers over to a different researcher to review before deciding if they have merit and are worthy of publication. Under the model, those same papers would be reviewed by peers on the site, similar to Facebook.

"The goal is to have every single science PDF ever written available for free on the Internet and to build a network of scientists interacting with those papers that will change the face of peer review," the San Francisco-based company told CNet of its mission.


Education World Pinterest Site Named as...

Education Worlds Science and Technology Pinterest board has been listed by the Smithsonian Science Education Center as one of seven boards to follow for STEM resources.

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education is a national priority, aimed at making U.S. students more proficient in these key fields. Pinterest, a fast-growing social platform, has evolved as...

Using the News in your Classroom: World...

Scientists say they have found what is being called the "world's oldest public toilet"...for dinosaurs. Thousands of fossilized droppings(called coprolites)have been uncovered in the country of Argentina~in a region called La Rioja Province. The dino poo is from a dinosaur called Dinodontosaurus~ a herbivore(plant eater) that lived about 240 million years ago which was somewhat like the rhinos of today.

It is thought that even dinosaurs didn't want to "go" where they lived and ate. And...

Action: Look Inward First

  • As teachers we are now heading into a busy season of holidays, school and family traditions, religioushallmarks, and final examinations for many schools. It is time to take action and look inward in order to successfully stay well and appreciate all of the events surrounding us as role models and human beings.
  • Don't wait for another new year to make a failed resolution, resolve before the end of the year runs over you to reaffirm your commitments to wellness! Be ready to be the...

iOS7 Can Run Smoother on Older Devices

iOS7Owners of older Apple devices cheered when the news came from Cupertino that iOS7 was going to be available on older models like the iPad2 and iPhone 4S. However, the joy that came with running a brand-spanking-new OS on an older machine was tempered with the realization that the older hardware produced good-but-not-great performance.

The folks over at...

Thanksgiving Peace and Prayers

  • It is with sincere best wishes that I offer to each of you at EducationWorld, my best wishes for a peaceful and joyful celebration at Thanksgiving. During this holiday, we are united in our praise, humbled by our accomplishments, thankful for our smallest gifts, and knitted together in our love for family and friends.
  • It is also in this holiday that we can rally behind those in need, those who have less than us, and those who have nothing. Pray for victims of weather, death,...

Effort: The Ultimate Gift of a President

  • The assassination of a president is always a shock to its people. As we mark this 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy, I am asking my students to:
  • 1. remember the legacy of all assassinated presidents by listing a few of their accomplishments in office
  • 2. consider what causes a nation to mourn the loss of a fallen leader and the efforts made on behalf of our nation
  • 3. evaluate how we are different because of unfinished presidential terms...

Effort: The Flipped Classroom

  • As a teaching head of high school~ effort is the key educational psychology concept I teach students early in the new year. As an essential component in understanding attribution theory~ students are drawn to the ideas surrounding their efficacy. The flipped classroom is in my judgment part of the efficacy of self determination and a partner to understanding individual effort and talent.
  • In a recent article by Katie Lepi~ "What Is A Flipped Classroom?"~the author...

Ever wonder what became of the...

Ever wonder what became of the Mayflower, the ship which took 102 Pilgrims over the Atlantic to North America in 1620?

Check out this interesting reading: On a trip to England, my husband and I visited a Quaker barn in Old Jordans, Buckinghamshire,that may have had the Mayflower used in its construction! Check out the story at my website:

There are some photographs I...


With Thanksgiving happening, I thought it would be fun to list the things that a teacher of gifted could be grateful for. Here it goes:

We can be grateful that despite all the cutbacks to the arts, gifted education, and other areas over the years, many schools still employ at least one teacher of the gifted to provide services. It could be worse, I guess.

As a teacher of the gifted, you get to...

See Hand-Written Gettysburg Addresses

Gettysburg AddressIt's been 150 years since President Abraham Lincoln delivered one of the most famous speeches in American history, and while the Gettysburg Address remains a prominent topic in history classrooms, students have never been able to see exactly how those influential words looked on the author's page...until now...
