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Monday, August 3rd, 1998
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Education World® studies Current Events!

Studies have long pointed to the benefits of "current events" programs in shaping a nation of lifelong newsreaders. "Using the news" -- whether in the form of the daily newspaper, TV news reports, or classroom discussions of important events -- can go a long way toward developing an informed citizenry too. So why isn't "Current Events" a part of every classroom curriculum?

This week, Education World makes a case for teaching "current events" in a CURRICULUM story, Why Teach Current Events? That story includes many ideas for incorporating current events into your classroom curriculum. And if it's more hands-on activities across the curriculum and the grades that you're looking for, we also offer a LESSON PLANNING story, Twenty-Five Great Ideas for Teaching Current Events.

Also, be sure to check out this week's BOOKS IN EDUCATION story, which highlights a recent Steven Otfinoski book Speaking Up, Speaking Out: A Kids' Guide to Making Speeches, Oral Reports, and Conversation. The book is full of tips that will help students get over their fear of public speaking while helping teachers develop their students' presentation skills! A nice tie-in book, since idea formation and public speaking are important elements of "current events" instruction!

And, principals, don't miss this week's ADMINISTRATION story. It's a very practical one for principals charged with Turning Around Practical Schools. The story focuses on a new report that includes case studies of many schools that have made huge improvements in academics and discipline.

And stay tuned! Coming soon -- Education World's new TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM page! Watch for it in the days ahead!