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Roundup: Educational Kickstarters from Around the World

Crowdfunding site Kickstarter has for some time been a source of inspiration for those looking to fund their ideas and products. Educators and EdTech creators have used the site to fund a variety of projects over the years.

Education World has put together a list of some educational projects that recently sparked our interest on Kickstarter. 

Since 2000, the physics engine Sodaplay has been the source of nearly a million creations from a community that encourages collaborative learning through the java-based “Constructor” feature. Now overdue for an update, Sodaplay is looking for £25,000 ($28,314.63) to bring their custom physics models to a new generation of EdTech users. This project only has £2,242 ($2,539.26) of that goal, and with a deadline of Feb. 14, they’re in desperate need of funding. If funded, backers are promised the app version produced with the money by August, among other rewards. 

Ever try to walk with legs made of straws? Seems impossible, right? Not for these little creatures. The Quirkbot brings loads of engineering value with various programmable settings and designs. This campaign has already raised $57,990 of its $55,000 goal. You can still give your support until Feb. 18 2015, with product packages carrying at pledge level and due to ship out in August. 

This educational card game brings fun to basic math skills. After receiving five cards with different numbers, players must use multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction to reach a goal number in order to win. With discard rules in play, and time a key factor in winning, Kalk has the ability to cram in loads of mathematical fun in place of a lesson refresher, or just as a war to begin class. So far, Kalk has only reached £1,417 ($1,604.87) of its £10,000 ($11,325.85) goal, which times out on Mar. 2. Funders of £10 ($11.33) will get their game sets by May if the goal is reached, and they can be shipped anywhere in the world. 

Pirates Electronics 
This electronics kit offers an instructional website for those interested in the world of building electronics. Termed a "Codeacademy for Electronics”, this learning tool offers step-by-step instructions while delivering applicable skills. With a deadline of Feb. 18, Pirate Electronics has already exceeded its $6,000 goal. The first physical products are due to ship out on September 15. 

Pinblock offers another option to engineering classes looking to get creative, and is incredibly flexible from a design standpoint. They also offer other classroom applications, such as mosaic creations in the art room, or as a counting tool or for physical examples during math. With only $4,961 of their $10,000 goal pledged, this project is in need of funding. If you back this pledge with $5, you can get an instruction manual with 50 pieces by April providing they meet their Feb. 25 goal. 

Goodnight Lad
This “Augmented Reality Children’s Book” offers brain stimulation before nap time. Great for the pre-K and kindergarten classroom, this project already has exceeded its $5,000 goal by just over $6,000. You have until Mar. 6, 2015 to get on board. Backers can get a book for pledging $20, or one of several other products. It’s estimated that shipments will go out in June. 

Please email editor[at] if you have a Kickstarter you would like to share.

Article by Jason Papallo, Education World Social Media Editor
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