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Should Teachers with Master's Degrees Make More Money?

Nation Debates Extra Pay for Teachers with Master's Degrees

A number of U.S. school districts, such as Texas' two largest in Houston and Dallas, have recently eliminated pay raises for teachers who earn a master's or other advanced degree. The trend has sparked a national debate on how best to compensate those who have received extra training. 

More than half of the nation's teachers have master's degrees or higher, said, but changing salary policies are causing some educators to hesitate in pursuing additional degrees.

"Intellectually and professionally, [earning an advanced degree] still interests me and makes a lot of sense," said Tim Barnsback, who teaches engineering in North Carolina. "But economically, it doesn't make sense to do it anymore."

While opponents of pay perks strive to show that advanced degrees do not make teachers more effective, others say advanced degrees show mixed results. 

"I don't think the research is definitive enough to make the broad kinds of changes that are being made in teachers' salaries," said Gary Henry. "I think what we tell children all the time, and what we tell each other, is to be lifelong learners."

Read the full story. 

Article by Kassondra Granata, EducationWorld Contributor

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