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High School Program Prepares Students for Careers as Educators

Minnesota High School Engages Future Teachers

Photo courtesy of Labpluto123

Dominic Ellis, a senior at Como Park High School in St. Paul, is pursuing a career in education through a program that prepares students for the field. The Future Educators club has been working to generate more diverse and promising educators and has 14 high school as well as two college chapters.

"Having kids just sit and listen dulls the brain," said Ellis to his peers after overhearing a debate by his fellow classmates. 

According to Mila Koumpilova, writer for, the National Future Educators Association is in the midst of an effort to boost its ranks and reinvent itself. The clubs originated from the union initiative "Career Teachers" and were created as educators sought out ways to secure teaching talent.  

"We are staring at our diverse teachers-to-be as we teach them every day," said Mary Cathryn Ricker, the president of the St. Paul Federation of Teachers.

Read the full story

Article by Navindra Persaud, EducationWorld Contributor


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