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Experts Say Every Teacher Needs These Things from a Principal

Educators Share 15 Things Every Teacher Needs from a Principal

A positive relationship between principals and teachers is essential, and many factors contribute to that relationship.

ASCD EDge, a professional networking community for educators, has curated a list of 15 things every teacher needs from a principal.

“Principalship entails many things, but at its core, it is—and has always been—about building trusting relationships," the article said. "We may balance the budget and successfully maintain the building; we may ensure that teachers have the necessary resources and all the professional development opportunities in the world…but if we fail to build trusting relationships, what good are balanced budgets, 'SMART' classrooms, one-for-one programs, and squeaky-clean amenities?"

Some of the items on the list: all teachers need to "be given credit [privately, publicly, orally and in writing] for their ideas, creativity, hard work and willingness to take on additional responsibilities," "feel their principals are fair and will not show favoritism to an individual or group" and "know that their principals will admit mistakes, sincerely apologize when wrong, and then move forward."

Read the full story.

Article by Kassondra Granata, EducationWorld Contributor

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