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Exploring the Universe Through Legos

Grade Level

Elementary School (3rd - 5th Grade)


Science (Astronomy)


Students will learn about the universe, celestial bodies, and space exploration while engaging in a hands-on activity using Lego bricks to create models of different astronomical phenomena.


  • Lego bricks (a variety of colors and sizes)

  • Printed images of planets, stars, galaxies, etc.

  • Projector for multimedia presentation

Lesson Sequence

Day 1 - Introduction to the Universe and Celestial Bodies (45 Minutes)

Engagement (10 Minutes)

  1. Begin with a discussion about the night sky. Ask students what they can see in the night sky and if they have ever wondered about stars, planets, or other objects.

Introduction to the Universe (15 Minutes)

  1. Use multimedia resources to present a brief overview of the universe, its size, and its components (planets, stars, galaxies).

Lego Introduction (20 Minutes)

  1. Introduce the Lego activity by explaining that students will use Lego bricks to build models of various celestial bodies and space exploration tools.

  2. Display or pass out the printed images of what your student can create, such as a planet, star, moon, etc.

Day 2 - Building Celestial Body Models (45 Minutes)

Review (10 Minutes)

  1. Briefly recap the previous lesson by discussing key concepts about the universe and its components.

Model Building (30 Minutes)

  1. Distribute Lego bricks and images of planets, stars, etc. Or display a collection of various images on your classroom screen. 

  2. Allow students to choose which image they are going to recreate.

  3. Instruct students to use the Lego bricks to create a model representing the chosen celestial body. They can refer to the images for inspiration.

Sharing and Discussion (5 Minutes)

  1. Have each student share their model with the class, explaining the characteristics of the celestial body they chose.

Day 3 - Space Exploration Models and Reflection (45 Minutes)

Review (10 Minutes)

  1. Review the different celestial bodies discussed in the previous lessons and ask students to recall key facts about them.

Model Building - Space Exploration (30 Minutes)

  1. Introduce the concept of space exploration and its significance in understanding the universe.

  2. Display or pass out printed images of various space exploration tools.

  3. Guide students to choose a space exploration tool (rocket, astronaut, satellite) and use Lego bricks to create a model.

Sharing and Reflection (5 Minutes)

  1. Have each student share their space exploration model and explain its purpose in exploring the universe.


Once your lesson is completed, you can assess your students in the following areas:

  1. Active participation in discussions and activities.

  2. Quality and creativity of Lego models.

  3. Ability to explain the characteristics of celestial bodies and space exploration tools.


For an extended activity, students could work together to create a collaborative Lego model of the solar system, with each student responsible for building a specific planet.

Teacher Note

Adapt the lesson plan as needed to suit the age and abilities of your students.

Example of Celestial Bodies Students May Choose to Make

  1. Sun: Build a spherical model of the Sun with yellow and orange bricks. You can add flame-like structures using transparent pieces to represent solar flares.

  2. Earth: Make a globe-like model of Earth with green and blue bricks. You can add the continents using different shades of green and blue plates.

  3. Mars: Create a reddish-brown sphere to depict Mars. Add white LEGO pieces for the polar ice caps and darker pieces to simulate the surface features.

  4. Jupiter: Build a larger sphere using predominantly orange and white bricks. Add a few cloud bands using white and tan pieces.

  5. Saturn: Make a smaller sphere for Saturn and attach a ring system using thin, flat, and circular LEGO pieces to represent the rings.

  6. Uranus: Construct a pale blue sphere for Uranus. Add a tilt to the sphere and maybe a few cloud bands using light blue and white bricks.

  7. Neptune: Build a deep blue sphere for Neptune. You can add some white pieces to simulate the atmospheric clouds.

  8. Mercury: Make a small gray sphere for Mercury, the smallest planet. You can also add some unevenness to the surface using textured pieces.

  9. Comets: Construct irregular-shaped models using transparent and white pieces to represent comets. You can also add tails using translucent pieces.

  10. Asteroids: Build various irregularly-shaped models using a mix of gray and brown bricks. Create a small asteroid belt by arranging these models in a row.

  11. Space Stations: Design LEGO models of space stations like the International Space Station (ISS) with interconnected modules and solar panels.

  12. Space Shuttle: Use white and black bricks to create a space shuttle with wings, a cargo bay, and a cockpit.


Written by Rachel Jones

Education World Contributor

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