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S I T E     R E V I E W
February 2, 2005


The EcEdWeb site provides resources for teaching economics in classrooms from kindergarten to college. Included are lesson plans, a list of important concepts for students to learn by grade levels, and a comprehensive list of links to outside resources.

The site is well designed and easy to navigate. There is a front page menu that leads to the various areas of the site. Internal pages have a top navigation bar with drop down menus for choosing an area. A link in the bottom left corner of the main page gives direct access to the Lessons and Standards. The K-12 Teach link leads to the teacher section where teachers can choose the content, organized by grade level, economic concept and standard, that is most appropriate for their students.

EcEdWeb's K-12 electronic curriculum has a K-6 component and a 7-12 that are linked to the national standards. Included are a list of key concepts students should learn during each grade level and a set of lesson plans to help facilitate that learning. If you know the concept you want to teach, start from the K-5 concepts list or the 6-12 concepts list. Materials from which to create more lessons are available from the Virtual Economics Companion. The Web Teach page offers ideas and more lesson plans for integrating the Internet into teaching economics. The list of resources to other sites is really quite impressive in its breadth and is well worth exploring. The College Teach section seems to be predominately links to other resources and can serve as an excellent research resource. You'll find lots of great ideas here.