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APRIL, 1997


Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette

As much information on dinosaurs as you want including: News, Articles, Book Reviews, Paleontologists/Paleontology/Dino Artists, Games/Toys, Software, Dinosaur and Big Monster Movies, Places to Visit, Dino-Magazines and Dinosaur Societies.

The main page is designed to look similar to a newspaper but with different colored sections. Most pages off the front page have different backgrounds and layouts.

The main "Headlines" and feature articles are located in the newspaper format on the main page. Additional links are in tables at the bottom of the page. Each page has a "Saur-o-Find-o-Matic" button to return the user to the front page.

The authors of the Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette wanted viewers to be interested in science and they chose dinosaurs to get out the message. They try to "publish just about everything" "that has a dinosaur in it" but are also careful to make sure the site separates the facts from the fiction about dinosaurs. Additionally, the webpage provides background information on discovering, theories and ideas about dinosaurs. Most of the information and format is geared to students but science teachers could use the site for lesson plan ideas, supplemental resources and information on making the study of dinosaurs more interesting to students.