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 Site Review: NBC Politics



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Content:  This site offers everything educators could possibly want with respect to politics in the United States, while paying special attention to the presidential election of 2012.

PenzuDesign:  Straightforward and vertical best describe the site. As with its other properties, the network eschews a scroller in favor of a static main content area. Everything else falls beneath these highlighted articles.

As users scroll down, they encounter a video area, special Capitol Hill and White House news feeds, a social media portal, comics and finally, a topical graph. There are also candidate profiles and related news.

Review:  Simply put, everything here is top-notch. From ease of use to quality of content, NBC has really pulled it all together for this site. Political aficionados have plenty to chew on, and novices will easily find the basics.

In terms of classroom use, the sheer abundance of second-to-none political content makes it the perfect classroom tool. Any civics, social studies or history class can use a clip from “Meet the Press” or a Chuck Todd report from the White House to illustrate a lesson and put it into real-life perspective. is also really great for keeping abreast of the ever-changing campaign trail.

Bottom Line:  NBC Politics tackles the confusion of the American political landscape, packaging it for easy classroom consumption.


Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor
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