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 Site Review: BBC WWII


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Content: Explore the BBC’s archive of everything related to Britain and the Allies’ involvement in World War II.

BBC WWIIDesign: The site’s no-frills look features a simple two-color scheme and includes nothing in the way of animation or advanced interactivity. BBC WWII is, however, easy to navigate—content appears in a list or grid format. To be sure, this site isn’t winning any awards for design, but that is almost a compliment.

Review: Because the BBC has been around for as long as it has, the news agency’s archives are stocked with firsthand accounts and actual documents from many of the most important events in world history. The World War II site is no exception.

Students can listen to actual broadcasts describing The Blitz, and see newsreel footage of the spitfires taking off for the Battle of Britain. It’s one thing to read Winston Churchill’s remarks from his subterranean War Rooms, but visitors to this site can actually hear the Prime Minister speak about “Our finest hour.”

In addition to presenting a huge volume of content, the BBC does a good job of organizing and presenting it. An excellent mix of archival materials complements contemporary pieces examining the conflict from all sides.

Bottom Line: No lesson on World War II would be complete without a stop at the BBC’s war archives.


Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Social Media Editor
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