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STEM News Roundup: Rosie the Riveter Reincarnated to Encourage STEM

STEM News Roundup: Rosie the Riveter Reincarnated to Encourage STEM


This week in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), Rosie the Riveter helps a state build STEM momentum for girls, ESPN opens its campus to STEAM learners, and Florida Gov. Rick Scott receives support for his STEM teacher residency plans.

Rosie the Riveter Helps State Get Girls into STEM 

Many organizations are using the iconic Rosie the Riveter from World War II to encourage a new generation of young women to get into STEM fields.

In Vermont, Vermont Works for Women has ran the Rosie’s Girls day camps for middle school girls for the past 15 years, inspiring the work of subsequent organizations to provide further support for girls in STEM. "At the camp, girls had a chance to try out trades and have hands-on experiences with STEM activities. They worked in teams to build bridges, create Web pages, learn about construction management, dabble in chemistry and experiment with civil engineering,” said

This model has helped spawn mentorship programs that exist all-year round, such as through the Women Can Do STEM conference that occurred in the state last week. The conference was designed to keep momentum building with supportive, lasting relationships between students and mentors.

Read more here.

ESPN Teaches Hands-On STEAM to Students

ESPN partnered with the Boys & Girls Club last week to sponsor STEAMFest 2015, a six-hour event dedicated to teaching between 1,000-2,000 visitors the benefits of hands-on STEAM experiences.

ESPN took advantage of its fully equipped campus in Bristol, CT to make the day possible.

"ESPN had a full studio set up where children could learn the ins and outs of broadcasting a TV show. The set was complete with an anchor desk, similar to the one used in SportsCenter, a green screen and the behind-the-scenes technical area of the studio,” according to The Bristol Press.

This was just one of forty exhibits available to students and parents who participated in the activity-filled day.

Read more here. 

Funding to Contribute $4 Million for Global Efforts to Expand Student Hands-On Science Experiences

Amgen Biotech Experience is a program that provides teacher with "advanced training, curriculums and research-grade equipment to run biotechnology labs in their classrooms” to provide hands-on science experience to students.

"The Amgen Biotech Experience labs were designed by Amgen scientists and educators to inspire the next generation of innovators and give high school biology students the opportunity to experience real science at their fingertips,” The Amgen Foundation said.

The Amgen Foundation has raised $4 million in funding to reach an additional 1,000 teachers and 150,000 students in the United States, Puerto Rico, United Kingdom and Ireland with the program.

According to The Amgen Foundation, many students who have been exposed to the program have continued to study science when pursuing higher education.

Read more here. 

Florida Governor Receives Support for Plans to Train Teachers in STEM

Florida’s governor Rick Scott is receiving support after announcing a commitment to training teachers in STEM subjects in order to best help students land STEM jobs.

"The goal is to create a summer residency program for science, technology, engineering and math teachers in grades K–12 who can bring back the trends of the future to their classrooms,” said

Many leading companies in Florida’s STEM industry are lending their support, including Harris Corp., Embraer, Lockheed Martin, and Northrup Grumman.

This support will likely help Gov. Scott’s plan to invest $1 million to place teachers in high-tech companies during summer months to help formulate a curriculum for the school year.

Read more here. 

Compiled by Nicole Gorman, Education World Contributor


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