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National Technology Education Plan

The National Education Technology Plan (NETP) is a big picture vision of what is possible in education today using technology, according to the U.S. Department of Education. The plan highlights the major challenges and opportunities for using technology in education. It gives examples of success stories, lists seven action steps and a series of recommendations, so that, depending on where a school is in its use of technology, it can benchmark itself against this framework.

The secretary of education was required to develop a technology plan as part of the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act.

The seven action steps are:

  1. Strengthen leadership: Increase tech proficiency among education leaders and build school/community partnerships.
  2. Pursue innovative budgeting: Look for new money within existing budgets by reallocating from other areas and investigating lease options.
  3. Improve teacher training: Train teachers in best practices for integrating technology.
  4. Support e-learning/virtual schools: Ensure that every child has reliable access to technology-infused learning.
  5. Encourage broadband access: Make sure all schools have consistent and supported access.
  6. Move toward digital content: Train teachers and students to identify and use quality digital content.
  7. Integrate data systems: Find ways to synthesize the many disparate databases of student information to provide a better picture of student needs and achievements.



Article by Ellen R. Delisio
Education World®
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