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Avoiding the Foreign-Language "Summer Slide"

Thanks to its partnership with publisher Eye on Education, Education World is pleased to present this blog post by Rebekah Stathakis, author of A Good Start: 147 Warm-Up Activities for Spanish Class.

As the weather warms up, I know many students are counting down the days until summer break. Students are looking forward to a break from school and homework, but as teachers, we do not want them to completely take a break from using the target language. I know how important it is to use a language regularly in order to maintain and improve your skills. So, while students are enjoying their summer, I want them to be using Spanish in meaningful and enjoyable ways. I have been working on this list to give students, hoping that it will inspire them to use their language skills over the summer!

Listen to music in the target language: Music can help you enjoy and connect with language, so find music in the target language. You may be able to check out CDs from a local library, listen to music from local or online radio stations, or access sites like For example, on Pandora, you can explore Latin music from a variety of regions and genres.

Change language settings: I know that some of you will spend countless hours this summer using websites like Facebook or Twitter; you will probably access those sites with your cell phones or tablets. I challenge you to change your language settings to the target language. On both Facebook and Twitter, you will still be able to read status updates or tweets in their original language but menus, buttons and other parts of the websites will be in whatever language you select. Similarly, with many phones or computers, you can change the language settings. Ever wondered what a “tweet” or “poke” is in Spanish (or French or Russian)? Here is your chance to find out!

Watch TV in the target language: When you pop in a DVD of your favorite movie or TV show, think about watching a few minutes in another language. Or, look for a new show or cartoon in another language. You might be surprised to find a new show that you enjoy. See if there are any local TV stations that broadcast in another language or look for some online.

Find a language camp or classes: If you have the time and money, consider enrolling in a language camp or class. Many community colleges, public schools, online schools, and private organizations offer language programs over the summer.

Read in the target language: Explore the world languages section of your public library or start searching on the Internet. There are many easily-accessibly resources for reading in another language! Whether you love comic books, science fiction or fashion magazines, you can find them in another language. Share your language skills by reading to a younger sibling. If you can’t find materials locally, you can certainly find them online; for example, you can read many newspaper or magazines online in many different languages.

Talk: Find friends or acquaintances who are also interested in another language and talk in the target language. It doesn’t matter if you say everything perfectly or know every word—just strive to use the language as much as you can.

Write: Make a point to write in the target language. Texting your friends, journaling, writing postcards, or jotting down a grocery list can all be done in another language.

Have fun! I really believe that learning another language is fun. As you are using another language this summer, I hope you will find ways to enjoy yourself.


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