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Are you looking for literature to support classroom instruction about Butterflies? Check out Our Editors’ Choices for titles recommended by the Education World team. Then it's your turn to share books that you enjoy or use in your classroom in the Our Readers’ Voices section below. With your help, we will build the best list on the Web of Best Books for teaching about Butterflies.



See related titles in Insects

by Lois Ehlert
Every spring, butterflies emerge and dazzle the world with their vibrant beauty. But where do butterflies come from? How are they born? What do they eat--and how? With a simple, rhyming text and glorious color-drenched collage, Lois Ehlert provides clear answers to these and other questions as she follows the life cycle of four common butterflies, from their beginnings as tiny hidden eggs and hungry caterpillars to their transformation into full-grown butterflies.

by Deborah Heiligman
A caterpillar comes to school in a jar. The class watches the caterpillar each day as it grows and changes. Soon, it disappears into a hard shell called a chrysalis. Then the chrysalis breaks, and a beautiful butterfly flies out of the jar. This is a perfect beginner's guide to the mystery of metamorphosis. Selected an Outstanding Science Trade Book for Children (1997). Part of the Let's Read-and-Find-Out Science series.

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by Alan Madison
It's hard to be Velma entering first grade. That's because everyone has marvelous memories of her two older sisters, who were practically perfect first graders, and no one even notices Velma. But all that changes on a class trip to the butterfly conservatory, a place neither of her sisters has been. When a monarch roosts on Velma's finger and won't budge for days -- no one will ever forget it. Or her! Kids will enjoy reading about everything butterflies as they follow Velma's own transformation.

by Maria van Lieshout
Bloom isn't interested in playing in messy mud puddles with other pigs. She'd rather galavant among pretty flowers. Bloom loves flowers and other pretty things. She also likes attention. And when a beautiful butterfly -- a "flying flower" -- wafts by, she falls head over heels in love. But she soon learns that attraction is fleeting, and friendship brings a deeper, more satisfying love. Maria Van Lieshout deftly, gently portrays the true meaning of love and friendship in story and pictures that are perfect for readers of all ages.

by Jane O'Connor
Nancy thinks butterflies are simply exquisite. And that is why she can't wait for her friend Bree's Butterfly Birthday. It's going to be the fanciest birthday party ever. But when Nancy finds out she can't go because her grandparents' fiftieth anniversary party is the same day, she is furious. Will Nancy be able to overcome her disappointment? In this magical story, everybody's favorite fancy girl gets a surprise lesson from her grandparents. Part of the Fancy Nancy series.

Add your voice to our list of books for teaching about Butterflies!

The Education World Editors’ Choices above represent just a handful of the fine books that might be used to support classroom instruction about Butterflies. Now we’re waiting for you to add to our list! Simply send us your review of a favorite book in 100 words or fewer and we will add it to the Readers’ Choices below.

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A Reader Recommends...

by Vlasta Van Kampen
A caterpillar, Marigold, dreams of becoming a butterfly and making the annual trip with the others to Mexico. Her dream shows the small steps she must undertake to learn to use her wings. In acquiring this natural talent, Marigold must overcome some common obstacles faced by flying insects: a praying mantis, a toad, a cow, and others. While the book closes with some scientific facts about butterflies, this colorful story could also be used to highlight perseverance and friendship.

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