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Are you looking for literature to support classroom instruction about Bats? Check out Our Editors’ Choices for titles recommended by the Education World team. Then it's your turn to share books that you enjoy or use in your classroom in the Our Readers’ Voices section below. With your help, we will build the best list on the Internet of Best Books for teaching about Bats.



See related titles in Animals

by Janell Cannon
Stellaluna is a baby bat whose life is flitting along right on schedule, until an owl attacks her mother one night, knocking the bewildered batlet out of her mother's loving grasp. The tiny bat is lucky enough to land in a nest of baby birds, but her whole world has just turned upside down. Stellaluna's adoptive bird mom accepts her into her nest, but only on the condition that Stellaluna will act like a bird, not a bat.

by Randall Jarrell
There was once a little brown bat who couldn't sleep during the day. He kept waking up and looking at the world. Before long he began to see things differently from the other bats, who from dawn to sunset never opened their eyes. The Bat-Poet is the story of how he tried to make the other bats see the world his way through poems about the woodland creatures he perceived for the first time.

It's Your Turn!

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by Joanna Cole
The class is studying nocturnal animals, and Ms. Frizzle takes the parents on a nighttime field trip to learn more about bats. As the night progresses, Ralphie becomes convinced that The Friz is a vampire! The class follows Ms. Frizzle and their parents to a scary old castle where, by becoming bats themselves, the kids find out the wonderful truth about these creatures of the night. And Ms. Frizzle. Part of the The Magic School Bus series.

by Brian Lies
Quick, call out! Tell all you can reach: the night is just perfect for bats at the beach! So pack your buckets, banjos, and blankets -- don't forget the moon-tan lotion -- and wing with this bunch of fuzzy bats to where foamy sea and soft sand meet. Brian Lies' enchanting art and cheery beachside verse will inspire imaginations again and again. Come visit a bedazzling world of moonlight, firelight, and.bats!

by Kathi Appelt
The Bat Jamboree was held early this year, at the old drive-in movie not too far from here. It was standing room only as the houselights went down. The spotlight came up -- there wasn't a sound! Then one bat sang, two bats flapped, three bats cha-cha-ed, and four bats tapped. Every year a troupe of 55 buoyant bats comes up with ten fabulous acts to entertain and instruct an enthusiatic audience, and every year the bats top themselves when they perform the grandest finale of all.

Add your voice to our list of books for teaching about Bats.

The Education World Editors’ Choices above represent just a handful of the fine books that might be used to support classroom instruction about Bats. Now we’re waiting for you to add to our list. Simply send us your review of a favorite book in 100 words or fewer and we will add it to the Readers’ Choices below.

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