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'Paws' for
Good Behavior


We are a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) school. Our mascot is the jaguar, so we give Jaguar Paws to students who display good character. Students can use those paws to shop at the Paws Store and to participate in a weekly drawing to shop in our treasure chest. In addition to our Jaguar Paws, each month we identify a specific behavior area and students can earn "Target Paws" for displaying good character in that area. For example, during September students were recognized with Target Paws for good behavior in the hallway. Every month we have a Jaguar Pride Pod Assembly. On the day of the assembly we dress a certain way to show our pride and our spirit. It may be a hat day, crazy hair day, backwards day, and so on. In addition, we have a drawing at this assembly for a monthly pizza party. That is where our showcase (pictured above) comes in. The giant Jaguar in our showcase dresses like the students will dress at our assembly. Notice that this month he is wearing a hat. There is also a place in the showcase for our students to see the target behavior and who won the pizza party. The showcase is located at our front door so we can show our pride to all our visitors and remind our students and staff that we believe in ourselves, are proud to be Jaguars, and know that Jaguars always do the right thing. The question of the day is always Are you a jaguar? and our announcements close each day with It is a good day to be a Jaguar at Jefferson School.

Karen Mink, principal, Jefferson Elementary School, DeKalb, Illinois

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