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Dr. Tisha Shipley has been in education for over 23 years. She has taught Pre-K, Kindergarten, Gifted and Talented 3rd-6th Grades, Dr. Shipley was an elementary principal, a cheer coach, and was on faculty at Northwestern Oklahoma State University. She was the Director of Pre-School Programs at the University of Arkansas-Fort Smith and is currently a full time online early childhood Professor at the University of Arizona Global Campus! She has a passion for early childhood curriculum, and want to help you gain MORE knowledge and engaging curriculum ideas!

Recent Posts By This Blogger

As we begin the new school year, stop and reflect on what new things you want to try. Ask yourself how you can make your lessons more engaging or hands-on. Do you need to try new ways of differentiation? What about researching engaging ideas...
Summer learning has a huge impact on accelerating your child’s success for the fall. When the last bell rings for children to be out of school, it is a time for sleeping, spending time with family and friends, playing in the water, taking...
Challenge Yourself to Do Something New As teacher professionals, we are all leaders in some capacity. It is important as leaders that we show others how to be their best selves. We need to model for others and support choices and decisions. We...
Family Forums are something that I did when I was teaching, and I decided that they would become a normal part of building successful relationships with the families in my classroom. I challenge you to take the parts of my Family Forums and...
Your classroom community is set up, you have your daily schedule, and you are ready to start the day. An exciting part of the day is when the children enter the classroom community. They are happy to be there, and they want to learn! I wanted to...
I have written two other articles that you may want to consider taking a peek at before reading this article. They are using STEM and STEAM in the Classroom and Planning, Managing, and Incorporating STEM and STEAM Learning Centers Part 2.  We...
As the new school year approaches, let's discuss planning and incorporating STEAM into our daily schedule. If you haven’t read Part 1: Using STEAM and STEM in the classroom, you may want to start there. I also challenge you to walk away with ONE...
Raise your hand if you love a good podcast! I know I do! I am in my car a lot, and podcasts always make the traffic seem so much lighter! I also work from home, so I normally have a podcast going during the day. You can choose from thousands of...
Hello and Happy first few weeks of summer.  School is out and I know you are excited to just hang out with your family, and do what you want to do for a little bit!  This is something you need to do to recharge your batteries because as we know...
As we get ready to head in to summer, I know you are thinking about taking a break! You should be.  But, as a teacher, I know my brain was always thinking, “what is something new I will try next year”?  I am going to break down STEAM and STEM...
