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Pathways of Circulation Through the Body

Grade Level: High School  

Subject: Biology / Anatomy and Physiology  

Duration: 2 class periods (90 minutes each)


Students will understand the major pathways of circulation in the human body. They will identify and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels, and major circulatory routes. They will differentiate between systemic, pulmonary, and coronary circulation. Students will trace the flow of blood through the heart and body. They will collaborate to create visual representations of circulatory pathways.


  • Understand the structures and functions of the cardiovascular system.

  • Analyze the processes of systemic, pulmonary, and coronary circulation.

  • Demonstrate the ability to trace and describe the pathway of blood through the heart and body.


Lesson Plan Day 1: Introduction to Circulation

1. Introduction and Hook (10 minutes)

Discuss: Begin with a brief discussion on the importance of the circulatory system in maintaining life.

Do: Show a short video on how the heart pumps blood through the body.

2. Direct Instruction (30 minutes)

Do: Lecture on the key components of the circulatory system:

  • The heart: structure (atria, ventricles, valves) and function.

  • Blood vessels: arteries, veins, capillaries.

  • Major circulatory routes: systemic, pulmonary, and coronary circulation.

  • Use anatomical models or diagrams to illustrate these concepts.

3. Guided Practice (20 minutes)

Do: Distribute worksheets that outline the pathways of blood flow through the heart and body.

Show: Walk through the first few steps with the class, tracing the pathway of blood from the right atrium through the heart, lungs, and body.

Say: You’ll now finish the rest of the worksheet on your own. Do your best because you will be able to use these sheets to help you on your next activity. 

4. Group Activity: Diagram Creation (30 minutes)

Do: Divide students into small groups and provide chart paper and markers. Assign each group one of the three main circulatory routes (systemic, pulmonary, or coronary). Have each group create a detailed, labeled diagram of their assigned pathway.

Say: Encourage students to include arrows showing the direction of blood flow and note important structures.

Lesson Plan Day 2: Deep Dive into Circulatory Pathways

1. Review and Introduction to Day 2 Activities (10 minutes)

Discuss: Review key concepts from the previous lesson.

Say: Introduce the objectives for today—tracing blood flow in detail and understanding the integration of circulatory pathways.

2. Interactive Activity: Blood Flow Simulation (20 minutes)

Show: Use an interactive online simulation to trace the flow of blood through the heart and body.

Do: Have students role-play different parts of the heart and circulatory system. Have students line up around the room in the shape of those pathways, and let them pass "blood cells" (colored balls) along the correct pathways.

3. Collaborative Project: 3D Models (30 minutes)

Do: Provide materials for creating 3D models of the heart and circulatory system. In groups, have students construct a 3D model that highlights the pathways of circulation. Each group will present their model, explaining how blood flows through their assigned route and how it integrates with the other routes.

4. Reflection (30 minutes)

Do: Have students complete a reflection paragraph on what they learned about the circulatory system and why it is vital to human health.

Ask: What factors do you think affect blood flow through the body?

Do: Collect and review the group diagrams and 3D models for understanding and accuracy.

Assessment Ideas:

  • Distribute a quiz that covers the major pathways of circulation, including labeling diagrams and short answer questions on the functions of the heart and blood vessels.

  • Participation in group activities and discussions.

  • Accuracy and detail in diagrams and 3D models.

  • Quality of the reflection paragraph.

Additional Learning:

  • Research and present on common cardiovascular diseases and their impact on circulation.

  • Create a public service announcement (PSA) on the importance of heart health and ways to maintain a healthy circulatory system.

  • Field trip to a local health museum or visit from a healthcare professional to discuss cardiovascular health and careers in medicine.

Written by Rachel Jones
Education World Contributor
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