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Super Caught Plagiarizing Welcome Letter

A superintendent in Ohio stirred up controversy when he was caught having plagiarized a letter welcoming parents, students and staff.

Dr. Glenn Faircloth, superintendent of Lorain County JVS in Oberlin, Ohio, admitted to using large parts of another welcome letter, penned by a different superintendent in New York.

"I liked how it was worded. I thought it was eloquently done and worded exactly how I wanted to say it in so many words," Faircloth told Fox 8 televison in Cleveland. "As a matter of fact, that superintendent said that was a complete compliment. Maybe in retrospect, I probably should’ve acknowledged him on the Web site, and if I offended anyone for that, I apologize. It certainly wasn’t an intent of ill will or plagiarism or to be deceitful.”

Some in the community don't agree with his assessment of the situation. “It’s very irresponsible. He’s a professional person; he should know better. I think he did know better, and it’s not allowed in high schools or colleges and he should be reprimanded,” Oberlin resident Deborah Irvin told Fox 8.


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