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Super Caught Plagiarizing Welcome Letter

A superintendent in Ohio stirred up controversy when he was caught having plagiarized a letter welcoming parents, students and staff.

Dr. Glenn Faircloth, superintendent of Lorain County JVS in Oberlin, Ohio, admitted to using large parts of another welcome letter, penned by a different superintendent in New York.

"I liked how it was worded. I thought it was eloquently done and worded exactly how I wanted to say it in so many words," Faircloth told Fox 8 televison in Cleveland. "As a matter of fact, that superintendent said that was a complete compliment. Maybe in retrospect, I probably should’ve acknowledged him on the Web site, and if I offended anyone for that, I apologize. It certainly wasn’t an intent of ill will or plagiarism or to be deceitful.”

Some in the community don't agree with his assessment of the situation. “It’s very irresponsible. He’s a professional person; he should know better. I think he did know better, and it’s not allowed in high schools or colleges and he should be reprimanded,” Oberlin resident Deborah Irvin told Fox 8.


Summertime Idea

I want to share an idea I had for my gifted students~ but I believe would enhance the summer education of any childand make parents appreciative as well.

After receiving questions about what their gifted child could do over the summer~ I proposed the idea of having my students continue their independent research or create new research projects to work on during the summertime. I then provide parents with a project outline that helps both the parent and child navigate the process....

Self Contained or Departmentalized...

Self Contained or Departmentalized Classrooms for 5th and 6th Grade?

For those veteran teachers~ you know that the old is often "new" again when it comes to teaching!

When I first started teaching back in(yikes...1973)~ I started in 5th grade. As a self contained classroom of upper elementary students~ I taught science~ math~ language arts~ social studies~ reading and even a daily penmanship lesson! The following year~ my team "moved up" with our classes and I taught 6th grade....

Study: Students Use Social Media...

A study performed at the University of Leicester has revealed that students use social media differently with respect to academic gain.

Researchers found that social media use varied when students were using it specifically for academic purposes like sharing course information with peers or tracking down academic information. Fiona Wright conducted the study and told...

Education is a Common Good: There...

While we live in a market-driven economy~ where winning and wealth accumulation are desired outcomes~ education advocates on all sides of the political aisle currently assert that public schools are failing our children~ especially minorities and low-income students. Education is a common good; it is the stepping-stone through which students can make something better of their futures. Therefore~ we should not be setting up a system to create winners and losers.

Given the...

Trekking up Mt. Everest: 60 Year...

In 1923~George Mallory was asked~Why do you want to climb Mt. Everest? HIs response~ Because its there. Learn about Mt. Everest~ Nepal and the Yeti with this fun and informative webquest! May 29th~2013(60th anniversary of the first successful climb).Nine informative webquestions~ Ten activities(and web links)~lots of interesting facts and comprehension review~too. Key also included.Addresses several common core standards in social studies and language arts. Grades 5 and up. Great end of the...

Differentiation Through A Science...

Research has shown that as much as 40 to 50 percent of traditional classroom material can be eliminated for certain students when it comes to science and other core subjects.

That means that these students could essentially start mid-school-year and not miss any new instruction. What that also means is that teachers have the responsibility of identifying these children and doing something different with them.

Id like to offer one possible solution~ which I recently have...

Tech Fiction Becomes Reality

suitApparently a little engineering know-how and a lot of free time is all it takes to turn what was previously sci-fi fantasy into real-world reality. Japan's Sakakibara Kikai has created a mechanical suit, not unlike the one worn by Sigourney Weaver's character Ellen Ripley in the film Aliens.


Running Records

I recently purchased an ipad to use in my classroom. I am loving it! One of the best apps I have found is for running records. It makes my job much easier. No more complicated math for me! =)

There are two versions to the app, a lite version and a full version. I purchased the full version, after using the lite app. It is very simple to use. The full version records the student reading the passage. To get...

Product Placement

What if I told you there was a way to engage students in real-world learning and build their confidence~ please parents (even the demanding ones)~ promote your school~ and keep school administrators happy in one fell swoop?

You would probably think I was going to follow up by selling you a get-rich quick scheme like on those late night infomercials~ right?
I know it sounds too good to be truebut stay with me for a moment.

In this blog~ Im going to share a technique with...

From Mr. Feeny to Professor Dumbledore

Great Life Lessons From Famous Teachers

Enjoy the video above~ made by HooplaHa~ as a way to remind your class of all the great things that teachers do!

The best teachers in life teach their students a little bit more than just the classroom material. They teach their students something about life too. Show your students that there is more to learn in life than just...
