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Super Caught Plagiarizing Welcome Letter

A superintendent in Ohio stirred up controversy when he was caught having plagiarized a letter welcoming parents, students and staff.

Dr. Glenn Faircloth, superintendent of Lorain County JVS in Oberlin, Ohio, admitted to using large parts of another welcome letter, penned by a different superintendent in New York.

"I liked how it was worded. I thought it was eloquently done and worded exactly how I wanted to say it in so many words," Faircloth told Fox 8 televison in Cleveland. "As a matter of fact, that superintendent said that was a complete compliment. Maybe in retrospect, I probably should’ve acknowledged him on the Web site, and if I offended anyone for that, I apologize. It certainly wasn’t an intent of ill will or plagiarism or to be deceitful.”

Some in the community don't agree with his assessment of the situation. “It’s very irresponsible. He’s a professional person; he should know better. I think he did know better, and it’s not allowed in high schools or colleges and he should be reprimanded,” Oberlin resident Deborah Irvin told Fox 8.


Treasures: The Voices Within Each Of Us

  1. Today I participated in a Wounded Warriors Walk in Williamsburg~ VA. Like many September days in Virginia~ today was~ by my New England roots~ "Wicked Awesome!"
  2. I walked not realizing this was an "official race" with timers~ talent~ and trophies. I was walking to show support for a cause that is near to me. Without realizing it~ I finished fourth place in the woman's walking division for the 5K. As I heard the cheers~ saw the officials~ and realized this was more than a good day...

Treasures: We Must Teach

  1. Today in my Constitutional Law class, I had the opportunity to teach the Six Thinking Hats of Leadership Theoryby Edward de Bono. I recommend this theory to every teacher. The purpose was to refine the questioning skills of high performing students and to help them frame collaboration as learning partners in their reading and discussion procedures. It was a huge success!
  2. The theory is best pictured in the...

In the News: World's Ugliest...

Perhaps, this might be of interest for a Bell Ringing Activity:
I n a world where beauty is highlighted, a unique organization wants people to think about creatures less cute. The Ugly Animal Preservation Society, located in Great Britain,has just selected a new mascot-the Blobfish, as the world's ugliest creature! Found in the deep ocean waters off of south-eastern Australia, the Blobfish is really a creature only a mom(or dad)could love! A world wide competition was recently held with...

New iPhone Raises the Bar

iphone5cWe're into the second week of September, which means that Apple is revealing its latest version of the iPhone. Where previous events were met with jaded yawns, this year's announcement has the tech world buzzing.

In addition to the...

Treasures: Within Us For Leadership

  1. I just completed another leadership book by another former CEO. The unlikely title, Love Works, by Joel Manby, caught my eye and was recommended by my trusted colleague, Chris Gann!
  2. The author talks about the treasures we need to discover within us as leaders. This is hardly the talk we expect from powerful CEOs of major corporations! By extension in my judgment, the book is as appropriate to teachers as it is to leaders of schools. Manby boils his recommendations into...

Meeting The Bionic Man

Bertolt Meyer was born with about an inch of arm below his left elbow. He uses a prosthetic arm known as the i-limb. Held on by suction using a silicone sheath, the i-limb gives the prosthetic a tight seal where it connects to the rest of his arm.

The newest version of the i-limb features a very apt bionic hand. Each finger has its own motor, with two electrodes inside the forearm that react to signals given by the muscles above the prosthetic limb. An app that...

Talent: Transitioning as we Remember 9/...

Transitioning to our profession each year is a refreshing opportunity to reinvent ourselves. Through our talents to maintain a balanced life and help others do the same, we can and do make a difference!

This week as students and families think about September 11, 2001 and see ever emerging graphic images of the horrors of that day, let's find the strength to:
1. respect what is good about our nation
2. remind...

Lycurgus Cup Shows Incredible...

As featured in Smithsonian magazine, a 1,600-year-old goblet named the Lycurgus Cup (due to its depiction of King Lycurgus of Thrace trapped in tangles of grapevines by the Greek god of wine Dionysus) displays the Romans striking grasp of nanotechnology.

The Roman goblet calls the British Museum home. When the museum...

French Shoes And Building A First-Rate...

Recently, during an open house, I met a students uncle, who had an accent. I became curious as to his nationality. I pointed to the mans pointed dress shoes and told the other teacher in the classroom, I bet he is French. Having spent some time in France this summer, I unimpressively explained to the teacher that I noticed pointed shoes were in fashion there.

Sure enough, the man was French.

I told him I really liked the shoes and explained how I unsuccessfully...

Little Rock~Arkansas-Teachers required...

Dusting off my soap box once again:
On the first day of every school year~ my husband would don what he called his teacher uniform. He wore a suit and tie and his dress shoes. He always felt it was important to start the school year dressing accordingly. From that day forward~ he'd always wear a pair of slacks~ dress shirt and tie and sport's jacket.

I also felt the need to dress what I felt was professionally for the my students~wearing one of my skirt sets or dresses. I never...
