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Office Comes to iPad, Sort of

hopToWhile there's currently no version of Microsoft Office for iPad, a young software firm, hopTo Inc., is providing iPad users with a convenient workaround.

hopTo allows users to create, open and edit Office documents on the iPad before saving them to the cloud. The current version supports both Word and Excel files, with PowerPoint slated for an upcoming update. CNet's Lance Whitney has put the app through its paces, and his findings are positive.

"You can access files and documents from Dropbox, Box and Google Drive. A representative for hopTo told me the company plans to add support for Microsoft SkyDrive in the near future. You also can retrieve files from your local computer by installing a File Connector program. For now, the program works only on Windows PCs, but hopTo said that Mac support is coming soon."  

While the app's performance is garnering positive reviews, its most valuable feature may be its price. hopTo is currently available in The App store for free.


50 Years Ago~ February 20~2012~ John...

Space shuttles lifting off and landing on run-ways~space probes to distant worlds~ and an international space station~ all had their beginning with brave astronauts such as John Glenn. Fifty years ago this February~in a 9 1/2 by 6 ft. space capsule called Friendship 7~ John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth.In a space about the size of a Volkswagen Beetle~Glenn orbited the earth~ three times~ in 4 hours and 56 minutes. I developed a webquest on John Glenn's amazing...

Can you guess the 2011 most Irritating...

Can you name the most annoying word? For the third straight year~the winning irritating word is..."whatever". A poll conducted by Marist College Institute for Public Opinion said that 4/10 people responded that "whatever" is the most annoying word to hear in a conversation. Close runners up for disliked words included "you know" and "like".Might be an interesting activity to ask students to make a list of words used in conservation that they dislike hearing.

Happy Holidays to you all...

Try a Token Economy System

Behavior management is typically not a widely covered topic in university teacher education classes. I suppose that is because there are so many other items of importance~ such as standards~ assessing~ and actual methods coursework. Unfortunately~ if learning how to manage those behavior problems in your classroom has not been addressed~ the class could be running you!

In my first year of teaching~ I had a challenging class full of boys. There were about...

130 Years Later- Alexander Graham Bell...

This might be another news story to discuss with young people.Alexander Graham Bell~ famed for his invention of the telephone~is in the news.Recordings he made back in the 1880s have again been played at the Library of Congress~ our nation's library~ located in Washington~ DC~ for the first time in 130 years.
Made on discs and cylinders~ six of his fragile recordings were brought to life thanks to advances in technology that enabled the sound to be recovered from tiny grooves with light...

Making the Right Hiring Decisions

Editor's Note: Today's guest post comes from Dr. Scott Taylor~ an educator from New Jersey.
Hire character. Train skill. ~ Peter Schutz
It makes a lot of sense to find people who are ready to engage in a lifelong career in learning. Some teacher candidates come to the interview prepared to answer all the questions. I dont care as much about the answers as I do the delivery and the unspoken personality nuggets behind the answers.

The Importance of Trust Between Schools...

Editor's Note: Today's guest post comes from Dr. Matthew Lynch~ an assistant professor of education.

Another important factor that can help schools promote parental involvement and sharing responsibility for the performance of their children are trusting relationships between teachers and parents. A healthy and congenial school environment~ with an enabling and flexible structure~ can help develop trust between them.


Should restaurants fine people for...

This news story might be a great discussion starter:

With so many hungry people in the world~ a restaurant in Saudi Arabia has come up with an unusual idea...fine diners for not cleaning their diner plates! The World Health Organization estimate one billion people are starving around the world. The restaurant owner is using the fine imposed for "having eyes bigger than their stomachs" when it comes to ordering meals~ to add starving people in Somalia. What do you think of this idea?...

Our Nation's Library-The Library...

The largest library in the world~ the Library of Congress~ is found in Washington~ DC. The current Library of Congress Librarian is James H. Billington~ a position which is appointed by the President of the United States.As of 2011~ there are approximately 838 miles of bookshelves at our nation's library! With over 33 million books~ if you could read ONE book a day~ it would take you 60~000 years to read all the books in the Library of Congress' collection!Just posted a new webquest~ great...

A special thanks to Rafe Esquith

On this day of Thanksgiving~ I want to thank my first and most influential mentor~ Rafe Esquith. Esquith isanationally recognized~ fifth-gradeteacher based in Los Angeles.

During my first year as a teacher~ I was ready to quit. While teaching middle school~ I felt overwhelmed~ dissapointed and doubtful about whether I chose the right profession. However~ afterhearing Esquith speak on NPR~ I read his book "Teach Like Your Hair's on Fire." I then e-mailed him~ and he called...


Has proof of aliens visiting earth been found in Peru? A mummified body found in the city of Andahuaylillas~ Peru~ is very unusual. It has a very elongated skull. In fact~ the skull is almost the length of the entire body! And~ the skull has very large eye sockets. Some scientists think it may be the remains of an alien! The teeth in the mummified body have two very large molars~ yet there is a so...ft spot in the skull which would suggest it could be the body of a child. Others say...
