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Mountain Lion Roars

mountain lion

This guest blog post was made by EducationWorld Web Assistant Joseph Murphy, a student at Furman University in Greenville, SC.

In the first four days of its release, Apple sold more than three million copies of the new operating system Mountain Lion, the company’s best-ever sales figure for an operating system.

Apple has developed an upgrade that incorporates the new software while keeping the same look. The operating system’s new developments even integrate features of the iPhone and iPad.

For example, on the iPhone, a notification tab slides down for easy access to reminders. This lists calendar dates, events, messages and e-mail notifications. With a Mountain Lion upgrade, a desktop or laptop computer will have this notification component along its side bar.

Apple offers the download of Mountain Lion for up to five of users’ personal computers. Once they buy it, they can download it per computer under the same account. This way, their whole household can enjoy the upgrade.

The Mountain Lion upgrade improves the speed and organization of computers. These important features can help do everything from scheduling appointments on a personal calendar to accessing iMessage without having to use an iPhone or iPad.

Clearly, Mountain Lion represents more than the typical upgrade. For only $20, users can provide Mountain Lion for up to five computers in their household. In addition, if they purchased their Mac after June 11, 2012, Apple is willing to give users the upgrade for free.

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