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LinkedIn Changing College App Process

linkedinTeens are well versed in social media, and now they are able to leverage a platform designed specifically for professional adults to grease the path to college acceptance.

LinkedIn, the professional networking site, has made a series of changes to its platform to allow younger people to create accounts and make themselves more visible to colleges and universities. CNet reports that "Teens can use the professional networking site LinkedIn in two ways: to research universities and to create profiles highlighting accomplishments that would otherwise be hard to include in a traditional application. LinkedIn made these features possible by lowering the age requirement for users to 14 in the United States and by launching what it calls university pages." 

The move provides students with the same tools that adults use for job hunting, so they can use them when searching for the right post-secondary school.


Learn about the History of the...


Creating a Peaceful Transition:...

I begin each class with a brief meditation. Using a Tibetan Singing Bowl, I invite students to listen to the sound of the bowl as it drops off then to drop in on their breathing. Just listen to how the breath flows in and out.

The “micro” meditation lasts a few minutes at the most but seems to make all the difference. Instead of rushing into the learning process, we ease into, flow into it more gently, we slow down to go faster.

Starting class with meditation allows them...

The End of School is Almost Here

The end of the year is quickly approaching! This is such an exciting time for everyone. The thought of sleeping in, hanging out by the pool, taking a late-night walk, or a long fun family vacation is weighing on everyone’s mind. Here are some things to do to finish out the year strong!

1. Have everyone bring in a pillowcase. With a paint marker in the middle of the pillow, you will write:


5 Ways to Get Students Excited About...

After the school year ended, I continually reflected on what I could have done better. Even though I thought I knew my students well, I could have always known them better. From the moment they enter the classroom, a teacher is trying to get to know the family, the student academically, the background they bring with them, issues, problems, struggles, likes, dislikes, and ultimately what will help a student...

5 Tips and Tricks to Becoming a Better...

Through my years of teaching, I encountered three principals and 3-4 administrators. They were each so different and inspired me in many ways. There were rules, expectations, “buy-ins,” situations, and opportunities for me to learn. I had always aspired to be an administrator, so my first principal position was one of my favorites. I want to share with you some of the things I did that I learned from my...

Having HIgh Expectations for All...

Each month as an educator, it is important for teachers to reflect on his or her classroom practices and the how and whys of what we do. April is Autism Awareness month, and this is such a special time because as teachers and leaders, we should self-reflect on things we can do better or differently to help all children-including children with autism succeed. High expectations for all students are vital. In...

What Can Teachers Do to Get Ready For...

Every summer, I tried to prioritize what I was going to do to get ready for the next school year. I wanted my classroom to be engaging, fun, inviting, and a place that I wanted to be each day. This will give you ideas on things you can do this summer to refresh for the fall And Prepare for a fantastic first week...

Geography Awareness Week (NOVEMBER 15-...

Geographic Activities to Foster Geographic Awareness.
1. A fun way to show our  Globally Interdependent World: Assign a partner and have the students check the labels on their tops to see where they are made.  Do the same for their shoes. Have the students do a safari search with their partner looking for where things in the room were made(ex: crayons, textbook, colored pencils, ruler, etc...

Turkey Factoids to Use with Students

November is Thanksgiving time and most of us will be celebrating with a turkey dinner....
