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iPad 'Cannibalizing' PCs in Ed Market

Already a hit with the education market, Apple’s iPad is poised to completely take it over, according to the analyst firm Needham & Company, which reports that the tablet is outpacing sales of PCs to students and schools.

In an article posted at, Charlie Wolf, an analyst at Needham & Company, is quoted as saying that the iPad is now "cannibalizing" PCs in sales to the K-12 market.

CNet, citing a report from Apple Insider goes on to quote Wolf, "Clearly, a significant portion of iPad sales represented an expansion of the market. But in view of the fact that Mac sales held steady at around 520,000 units but overall PC sales declined by 265,000 units from 1.90 million to 1.64 million units, we believe the inescapable conclusion is that the iPad is beginning to cannibalize a material portion of PC sales in this market."

This new data, combined with the persistent rumors of an iPad “Mini” to be priced at or around $200, could mean the end of all traditional computers and laptops as classroom tools in the very near future.


Tips for Teachers: The Cover Letter

If you are interested in changing jobs, you have to update your CV and I recommend that you create a cover letter that you would submit with your CV. The CV is normally a one to two page introduction of you that should include your basic information: career goals (what job you are applying for), brief bio, your educational experiences , your education and certifications, any special skills and activities, as well as awards and honors.

The cover letter should introduce you to the...

Tips for Teachers: Disappointment

All of us have experienced the disappointment of rejection from our dream job. Even though we thought we were perfect for the position. Our CV was on point as was our cover letter and we nailed the interview. What went wrong? Do not take the rejection personally. Often the circumstances surrounding you not getting the job has nothing to do with you.

I have been in school leadership for 45 years and involved in the interview process from the school house to higher education....

Tips For Teachers: Reference check

Although the CV, cover letter, and the interview are very helpful in the hiring process, an overlooked but very important aspect of the process is the reference. Often you will list your references and their contact information on your CV. This is not necessary. Most candidates will put “references available upon request”. Or just leave blank as we know to contact references when we are ready. We want to get an unbiased opinion of your work.

Even when you list your references or...

Tips for Writing Your CV

I have reviewed many very well written CVs and several suggestions that I have for educational job seekers is:

In your career objective include the position you are seeking. Just because you have been a homeroom teacher does not necessarily mean that you are looking for that position. Be specific. Also do you want to work in the national, British, American, etc. section. Again, be specific. I am a consultant at a school where we have three different departments. We don’t know...

Teaching Mindfulness in the Early...

Just like teaching gratitude, mindfulness is an intervention with a wide range of cognitive, psychological, and physical benefits. On a personal level, you will want to practice mindful strategies on your own to truly incorporate them into your classroom practice. Mindfulness is defined as:

  1. The quality or state of being mindful.
  2. The practice of...

National Pretzel Day is April 26th-...

April 26th is National Pretzel Day!

Did You Know?

1. In 2015, archaeologists found what is said to be the oldest pretzel. Found in Regensburg, Germany, the remains of two pretzels about 250 years old were found, beneath the floor in what had been a bakery.

2. In 2015, a pretzel weighing 1728 lb(...

Practicing Gratitude Personally and as...

Gratitude has been shown to improve mental health and boost relationships, and it is said to be a game changer in a person's life (Mindful Communication and Such, 2024). Galindo stated, "Research has found that more grateful people have more brain activity in the medial prefrontal cortex, the area associated with learning and decision-making. In the research, this brain activity persisted a month later, suggesting that gratitude has long-lasting effects" (2024).

Gratitude is defined...

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Leif Ericsson Day is October 9th. What...


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