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High Schooler Sets Physics World Abuzz

issac newtonA 16-year-old German high school student has written a paper that purports to have solved two mysteries that were beyond the intellect of the great Isaac Newton.

Shouryya Ray, an Indian-born student who won second prize this month in the math and informatics category for Germany's Jugend Forscht student science competition created formulas to answer the following questions that have puzzled scientists for centuries:

How do you account for air resistance in calculating the trajectory of ball thrown out at an angle?

Precisely how does a ball thrown against the wall rebound?

Because Ray's paper was a school-based project and was submitted for a contest, it is not subject to the publication process and peer review that professional work typically goes through. That has led some experts in the field to reserve jugement of the work until they've seen it for themselves.

However, everyone who has commented about Ray's paper has said it is an achievement that very few high schoolers could duplicate.


Dell Targets Schools With Chromebook

Dell is launching its first Chromebook, which will be the company's first specifically targeted at education institutions. The Chromebook was built to meet the needs of schools and districts looking to deploy affordable and comprehensive one-to-one computing initiatives.

Dell is the leading end-to-end technology provider in the U.S. education market, with...

I’ve Got a Semicolon~ and I’m Not...

My wife~ my mother~ and a handful of very close friends could all attest that I am rarely heard to utter the sentence~ I am impressed. Its not that Im some kind of pessimist; quite the contrary~ hope springs eternal with me. The world at large~ however~ dashes my hopes more often than Id like to admit. I have all kinds of wild expectations that keep me from being impressed. I want politicians to tell the truth the...

Showing Kids that everything has a...

What do you get with 7200 eggs~ 3000 pounds of brown sugar~ 1800 pounds of butter~ 7200 pounds of flour~1~080 ounces of ground ginger and 22~304 candy pieces? That's the world's biggest gingerbread house! The 20.11 ft. tall and 60 ft by 42 ft. house is located in Bryan~Texas. One issue that resulted from this massive gingerbread house is it attracted BEES who were loved all the sweets! Guinness World Records says the really sweet house is a record setter. All money raised by people visiting...

Book Hooks- A Great Alternative

This week~ I want to share a project idea that might satisfy your students need for creative expression.

When finished reading a book~ I offer my students the option of creating a book hook (a mini commercial for the book). The goal of the hook is to get other children interested in reading that particular book. The project serves another purpose: it provides students with an additional outlet or assessment for demonstrating their understanding of the book.

When you give...

Charles Dickens and a Christmas Carol

Just saw a wonderful version of "A Christmas Carol" at our local theater.Today, a person who is very tight with money, is often called a "scrooge", after, the main character in "A Christmas Carol". Did you know that several other words and phrases were coined by Charles Dickens?

Words such as abuzz, flummox, the creeps,round the clock and whiz-bang are credited with Dickens. Other words that Dickens helped to popularize include, kibosh, butter-fingers,boredom,messiness,squashed,bah...

Action: The Voices of Our App...

  • Students are facing semester examinations~ and teachers are facing a time of reflection about the semester's work. Are our classes meeting the needs and interests of our App Generation students; how are we activatinglearning? How do we know if we have been successful in our efforts?
  • 1. Are the voices of our students being heard in authentic ways?
  • 2. How are we as teachers asking them to partner with us in their learning?
  • 3. Are students empowered by their...

In the News: The Passing of Nelson...

In the News: The passing of Nelson Mandela

Perhaps~ teachers may find the following information useful to use in their classrooms.

Nelson Mandela~ 95~ statesman~ activist has died. Mandela~of South Africa~ worked to end apartheid in his country(laws that separated whites and black races) and spent 27 years in prison. He went on to become president of the country of the Republic of South Africa. He also won the Nobel Peace Prize(in 1993). Mandela once said~"Education is the most...

LinkedIn Changing College App Process

linkedinTeens are well versed in social media, and now they are able to leverage a platform designed specifically for professional adults to grease the path to college acceptance.

LinkedIn, the professional networking site, has made a series of changes to its platform to allow younger people to create accounts and make themselves more visible to colleges and universities...

Action: Semester Examinations

  • As we plan for the knitting together of our major concepts into semester examinations~ it is time to consider ways to have students present to us what they have learned in this semester.
  • What did my students learn can be summarized via a series of questions:
  • 1. Can they argue a point?
  • 2. Can they identify~ explore or show me a new way of thinking about an idea?
  • 3. Can they justify~ illustrate~ or locate main points in our work together?
  • 4. Can...

Healthy Mind Diet for Children

Ask children about the food pyramid and the need for a balanced, healthy diet, and I would bet that many would be familiar with the concept.

Now, ask those kiddos about the need for a healthy, balanced diet for the mind, and I think you would lose them.

Recently, I have been fascinated with the work of Dr. Daniel Siegel, a clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA school of medicine, whose work includes the Healthy Mind Platter concept. The model proposes that in order...
