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GooglePlay Confuses Disney App for Adult Lit

Google MickeyParents and teachers who allow the children in their care to use Android devices are paying closer attention to content Google thinks they want. The cause for the scrutiny is a series of dubious recommendations when users search GooglePlay for the Disney app "Where's My Mickey." The results include the popular Disney app, and what are described as gay erotic literature.

With titles like "Boys Caught in the Act," "Pretty Boys and Roughnecks," and "Boys Will be Boys," the books are clearly not intended for younger eyes. The reason they appear as recommended reading for those searching for "Where's My Mickey" seems to come from the fact that their author's name is Mickey Erlach.

This isn't the first time GooglePlay has shot back questionable search results. When attempting to browse though the educational apps (a category generally accepted to mean intended for K-12 education) in the store, users often find apps to help truck drivers attain their CDL and other apps that technically educational, but decidedly not what the user wants.


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DiD You Know?
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