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GooglePlay Confuses Disney App for Adult Lit

Google MickeyParents and teachers who allow the children in their care to use Android devices are paying closer attention to content Google thinks they want. The cause for the scrutiny is a series of dubious recommendations when users search GooglePlay for the Disney app "Where's My Mickey." The results include the popular Disney app, and what are described as gay erotic literature.

With titles like "Boys Caught in the Act," "Pretty Boys and Roughnecks," and "Boys Will be Boys," the books are clearly not intended for younger eyes. The reason they appear as recommended reading for those searching for "Where's My Mickey" seems to come from the fact that their author's name is Mickey Erlach.

This isn't the first time GooglePlay has shot back questionable search results. When attempting to browse though the educational apps (a category generally accepted to mean intended for K-12 education) in the store, users often find apps to help truck drivers attain their CDL and other apps that technically educational, but decidedly not what the user wants.


Why A Warrior’s Exam is More Realistic...

At the end of each semester, I require students in my college classes to participate in what’s called a Warrior’s Examination, an oral assessment, where a person must spontaneously (and courageously, hence the term, warrior) answer a randomly chosen question about the course content or concepts.

I did not invent this exam. It is extensively used at Naropa University, a private, Buddhist-inspired institution in Boulder, Colorado. I began using the assessment format after I felt that...

The Rite of Passage Project: A...

As an educator, I’ve always been interested in learning experiences that have a transformative power. I believe that to be authentic, learning—along with gaining content—should encourage a paradigm shift, a change in perspective, within the learner.             After 15 years of teaching, I stumbled across what might be most powerful method for accomplishing this intention. I call if the “Rite of Passage” project. I read about this idea in a academic book series on contemplative education by...

Remote Teaching in K-12 Schools: A...

To say that schools forced to operate online during the pandemic were a complete “failure” as the Wall Street Journal reported in a June 5 article is not fair to educators.


The Global Search for Education:...

“There are other people whose roads have been full of obstacles and they needed to reroute their path much later on in life.” – Michael Marriner 

The fear of robots taking our jobs away is something we see all across our nation. Many experts predict that a traditional education will be the biggest factor in...

The Global Search for Education:...

“Apparently, 95% of students (ages 13-19) believe opportunities for more real-world learning would improve their school.” – Josh Schachter

Josh Schachter is the Founder and Director of CommunityShare, an education initiative that is re-imagining the relationship between schools and communities. Schachter states...

The Global Search for Education: From...

“This platform provides students with opportunities to exhibit their creativity, problem-solving skills, innovation and entrepreneurial skills.” – Deepti Sawhney

When families, community groups, businesses and educators come together to support learning, children can achieve more. The Mahattattva Foundation in...

The Global Search for Education: Stay...

 “From the audience’s responses to our film we have learned how universal something can be when it is very personal.” – Luther Clement  

The co-directors of ...

Teachers: This Country Needs You Now...

It gets in your eyes
It's making you cry
Don't know what to do
Don't know what to do
You're looking for love
Calling heaven above

Send me an angel
Send me an angel
Right now, right now

(“Send Me an Angel” by Real Life)

This blog is essentially a call for help.

It’s a reminder to educators about the massively important role you play in...

The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Showing Us...

There’s no test that could have prepared us for this. There’s no class. Not set of predetermined answers to study.

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged, supervised, baffled, and scared even the brightest, most-educated, and most talented people on the planet. This unprecedented situation has very clearly and potently shown us what our education system needs to do to prepare individuals for the future, and it’s shown us what’s lacking.

The days of students memorizing facts,...

The Global Search for Education: The...

“As a mother in Mexico says, we learn that no matter who we are or where we’ve been, we are not yet finished.” — Meixi

Established in Mexico in 1997, the Redes de Tutoria educational movement moves away from the traditional school model in which the teacher teaches the curriculum and all the students...
