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Celine Provini joined EducationWorld as editor in 2011. She previously trained educators to implement and evaluate best practices for positive school climate, bullying prevention, youth mentoring and...
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Chromebook Pixel Debuts

On Thursday, Google introduced the Chromebook Pixel, the latest version of its Chromebook laptops, which store just about everything in cloud storage. The $1,300 Wi-Fi model includes a nearly 13-inch display touchscreen and begins shipping next week.

By combining tablet and laptop technology, heavyweight Intel chips and the most beautiful screen for your dollar, it’s designed for that juicy segment of the personal computer buyers known as “power users.”

The Pixel can store a small amount of data for downloads and such, but the philosophy behind the machine is that users will store nearly all of their data in the cloud. And as with the other Chromebooks, Pixel users are expected to use Google products to supplement other software.

Google's strategy is compensating for the Pixel's lack of a hard drive with free online storage, which might help wary buyers make the transition to the cloud. The Pixel includes one terabyte of Google Drive storage for three years, or $1,800 worth of storage. The LTE-enabled Chromebooks will also come with 100 megabytes of free monthly data traffic for two years.

Still, the steep cost might be a tough pill to swallow for even the most adventurous power users and devoted cloud advocates.


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Family Forums: What Are They?

Family Forums are something that I did when I was teaching, and I decided that they would become a normal part of building successful relationships with the families in my classroom. I challenge you to take the parts of my Family Forums and incorporate them into your teaching practices. They work!

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Principals New To Your School

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New Supreme Court Justice, Ketanji...


Supreme Court Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson 

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March is Women's History Month


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