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Not-So-Little Feature To Help Teachers

AppleIt’s no secret that Apple held its World Wide Developers’ Conference in California today. Among the impressive lineup of hardware and software updates revealed was a relatively small feature added to iOS6 that will have teachers dancing in the streets.

All Apple mobile devices, when upgraded to iOS6, will sport a new Single App mode. It’s a very simple feature that, when activated, removes home button functionality. This essentially turns the iPhone or iPad into a single app device, hence the name.

The educational applications for Single App mode are widespread. Without having to hover, teachers can rest assured that students are actually using the math app and not surfing the Web via Safari. Ambitious classes can use the devices to administer tests and quizzes confidently because the temptation to use other apps or the Internet to cheat is removed. In younger grades, accidental touches of the home button will no longer interrupt usage, and teachers will not have to fear inadvertent trips to the App Store.

Single App mode is a pretty minor thing to come out of WWDC 2012, but it is one that will resonate with teachers.


Hawking's Brain to be 'Hacked...

HawkingA team of neuroscientists is working on a device they say has the ability to “hack” a person’s brain. They are so confident in their work that they will be testing the so-called iBrain on none other than the smartest man alive, Stephen Hawking.

Hawking, who suffers from Lou Gehrig’s disease, is agreeing to test the iBrain in a effort to improve his...

Middle Schools Students and "...

Bullying is a serious thing. And when it happens in schools~ officials must react and act to show that it will not be tolerated. But is it working? Is this effective at all? Can punishment stop the bullying culture that is tainting schools today?
Karen Klein is a bus monitor. She rides school buses with students to ensure that the bus ride is safe and everyone gets where they are going. But on a recent day~ the bus ride turned emotionally painful as a group of boys bullied her....

Say "Cheese" Mr. President

I posted another career survey. I was fortunate to have Pete Souza~ the Official White House Photographer~ share his career choice. Perhaps~ you may find it of value to use with your students.


Here is the link at my website to read the career survey:

An extension might be to have the...

Greater Good

One of my most memorable school years happened when I taught lessons that were nowhere to be found in the curriculum. Lessons like raising money for those in need~ collecting supplies for animals that cant help themselves~ and assisting children with a fatal disease to live out their dreams.

Sure~ I taught the required curriculum. However~ what made it a special year~ and hopefully a special learning experience~ was going beyond that curriculum to teach lessons that apply...


In a previous post~ I discussed the importance of RAD~ or reflecting~ adjusting and delivering. In short~ it means thinking about your teaching approach and classroom~ making adjustments based on what works and doesn't~ then applying those insights.

This week~ I want to go through an actual RAD session~ by listing what worked for me this school year. In doing so~ I believe that you may grasp an idea or concept that could help your classroom. Likewise~ you might share a technique that I...

Microsoft Enters Tablet Market

SurfaceNo, that image to the left is not an iPad surrounded by SmartCovers. That is the Microsoft Surface. Not to be confused with the giant table-sized computer the company released a while ago, the Surface is Microsoft’s entry into the tablet market.

Attempting to take a page out of Apple’s playbook on several levels, Microsoft revealed the Surface during a mystery...

Lesson Planning Tips

Lesson planning can be an art form~ if done properly. For too many teachers~ lesson planning can be the black hole of a week - taking several hours out of planning time. Or leaving no planning time~ so the lessons~ teacher editions~ materials~ etc. are toted home to be done in front of Thursday night primetime...

Using News for Creative Writing-Caution...

Current events can be used to not only create an awareness in young people to what is going on around them but can also be used to create some interesting creative writing exercises. I saw this news story and thought it would be great to use for a creative writing exercise.
A farmer in the Chinese city of Taizhou(about 180 miles south of the city of Shanghai) brought traffic to a stop as he herded his flock of 5000 brown ducks down a highway towards a nearby pond where the ducks get a...

Mozilla Joins iOS With Junior

Junior MozillaAfter years of sitting on the iPad sidelines Mozilla, the non-profit behind FireFox is set to enter Apple’s mobile browsing world with a product dubbed Junior. This will be Mozilla’s first crack at creating a Web browser for the titan of tablets and it appears the company is opting to build one from scratch rather than provide a different version of their...

Working Apple I Sells for $374,500

Apple I


Sotheby’s just auctioned a working Apple I computer for the astounding price of $374,500. The machine is one of the first ever produced by the tech behemoth, and one of only a handful that are in working condition. Sotheby’s claims that only six surviving Apple Is are in working condition.
