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Amazon Slashes Children's Titles For Fire

kindle fireApple and its iPad have the lion’s share of the educational market locked up, but Amazon and its Kindle Fire are giving administrators reason to pause before blindly ordering up tablets from Cupertino.

Amazon is offering 47 classic children’s books for 99 cents each. That is an impressive price cut from the typical $7.77 the book typically cost. Among the illustrated versions of classic tales are Washington Irving's "Rip Van Winkle," Rudyard Kipling's "How the Leopard Got His Spots," and Hans Christian Anderson's "The Emperor's New Clothes."

Adding to the books’ allure is the fact they come with musical accompaniment and narration from notable celebrities like Danny Glover and Robin Williams.

Whether or not this temporary price cut helps Amazon gain any educational market share is yet to be seen, and experts don’t expect it to. However, it at least provides administrators with a reason to consider the Fire before placing their Apple order.


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