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Site Seeks to Overhaul Academic Review

Internet startup is moving forward with plans to change the way scientists publish papers, thanks to a second round of funding the company has recieved.

Flush with just over $11 million in capital, Academia is inching closer to its goal of publishing all scientific papers while simultaneously changing the way the peer-review porcess works. Currently, researchers must submit their papers to any of a number of academic journals. The journals then hand the papers over to a different researcher to review before deciding if they have merit and are worthy of publication. Under the model, those same papers would be reviewed by peers on the site, similar to Facebook.

"The goal is to have every single science PDF ever written available for free on the Internet and to build a network of scientists interacting with those papers that will change the face of peer review," the San Francisco-based company told CNet of its mission.


How to Survive Your First Year Teaching

The first year as a teacher can be extremely hard - brutal even.

Without proper training and guidance, new teachers can face what seems like insurmountable odds-academically struggling students, misbehaved students, angry parents, demanding administrators, reams of paperwork, stress and fatigue—just plain overwhelmed.

Numbers suggest that as many as half of new teachers quit within five years of entering the classroom. Half of new teachers—that’s huge.

I remember...

The Global Search for Education:...

“I imagine that in 50 years, we will live in a world where essentially every student will perform as well as the very best students do today.” – Larry Hedges

Larry Hedges says he is “deeply humbled” by receiving the Yidan Prize for Educational Research. He hopes this prestigious award will bring attention to “the...

Presidents' Day: Possible...


1. Dogs, cats and birds...

Interviewing for a Teaching Job? A...

As a supervisor of student teachers, I have the opportunity to help them find positions as they graduate. Part of this preparation involves bringing in principals and assistant principals to share insider knowledge about the job search and interviewing process. 

With several years of experience in this area, I can confidently provide some tips for being successful. When it comes to interviewing, teacher job candidates can expect to be asked some scenario-based questions along with...

The Global Search for Education: Is AI...

“Eye tracking utilization is under constant development, and there is a great deal of research being performed on ADHD, ASD/Autism and other neurological impairments.” – Frederick Wetterhall

Dyslexia is caused by a different wiring of our brains. While it has no relationship to intelligence (Thomas Edison, Steven...

In Defense of Part-Time Teaching

 In 2010, I moved to a part-time teaching position at my workplace so that I could start and then raise my family. I spent eight years as a part-time educator, maintaining a 75% status at school while I had my three kids. When I began the adventure of part-time working and mothering, I knew very little about how to straddle the two worlds or if I could be effective in either role. Which of us parents starts the foray of working and child-rearing with any real knowledge? Certainly, there were...

Valentine's Day is Coming: Free...

Valentine's Day Fun Factoids!
  1. At one time, Valentine’s Day was also the day to celebrate Groundhog Day! 
  2. Ever wonder why lace is associated with Valentine’s Day? Seem the word comes from a Latin word, “laques”meaning “net.” Someone tries to capture  someone’s heart on Valentine’s Day.
  3. Because blood is red and people once thought the heart was the center of feelings, red became the...

Expecting Teachers to Meet Minimum...

Depending on the school district and state, teachers are often evaluated for their performance in the classroom. These evaluations might include a formal observation by the principal or assistant principal and another observation, possibly a “pop in” later in the school year.  During this evaluation process, a teacher is judged by whether they meet certain expectations or criteria in various areas of teaching. For example, a teacher might be scored on how well he or she manages the students...

February is Black History Month: FREE...

Dr. Carter G. Woodson, organized a two week period in February,in 1926, to highlight contributions of African Americans. In 1976, the month of February was established as Black History Month.
The month of February was selected as it was the month in which both Frederick Douglass(abolitionist) and Abraham Lincoln (Emancipation Proclamation)were born.  Black History Month is also celebrated in Canada in February and in October in Great Britain.4. Since 1976, (...
