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Site Seeks to Overhaul Academic Review

Internet startup is moving forward with plans to change the way scientists publish papers, thanks to a second round of funding the company has recieved.

Flush with just over $11 million in capital, Academia is inching closer to its goal of publishing all scientific papers while simultaneously changing the way the peer-review porcess works. Currently, researchers must submit their papers to any of a number of academic journals. The journals then hand the papers over to a different researcher to review before deciding if they have merit and are worthy of publication. Under the model, those same papers would be reviewed by peers on the site, similar to Facebook.

"The goal is to have every single science PDF ever written available for free on the Internet and to build a network of scientists interacting with those papers that will change the face of peer review," the San Francisco-based company told CNet of its mission.


We Can Overcome All Our Global...

The OECD’s Learning Compass 2030, launched today, urges nations to take action and reevaluate the knowledge, life skills, values and attitudes learners need to flourish and contribute to the well-being of their communities and their planet. Experts have argued that global education systems have not changed in hundreds of...

The Global Search for Education:...

“We use play because play is learning.” – Catalina Gonzalez

Catalina González, founder and director of Literacy4all, begins her story in Colombia. A young school teacher, Javier González-Quintero, was asked to send report cards for his students to their parents. Javier decided this would not work since...

Flag Day is June 14th. Possible...

Fun Flag Facts:

1. A vexillologist is someone that studies flags!
2. Most flags have the colors red and white.
3. Only Vatican City and the country of Switzerland have square flags.
4. Most world flags are...

Turning Points: One Teacher's...

I thought it would be interesting to trace back turning points in my teaching career--times when I had a breakthrough in teaching, met influential people, experienced intense, meaningful events or occurrences. defines a turning point as “a time at which a decisive change in a situation occurs, especially one with beneficial results.”

Reflecting on turning points, in my opinion, can help connect the dots, to see how events are connected, and what molded and shaped our...

Please Don’t Make a Face: Changing How...

When teaching class recently, the topic of how people respond to finding out that my students are studying to become elementary school teachers came up. Almost all of these student teachers had stories. Often, when they told someone they were becoming a teacher, the person made a face. In one case, a gentleman told the aspiring teacher, “you can do better.”


Can do better than serving young people for a living? Helping them have a better future? Spending years of their...

The Global Search for Education: From...

"Our planet needs every one of us to take an active part in this transformative process." – Pero Sardzoski

The Pegasus English Language School, located in Tetovo, Macedonia, was founded in 2002. According to the school’s Director of Studies, Pero Sardzoski, the original goal was to create a “peace project” focused on...

Using the News in the Classroom: World...


World Oceans Day is June 8th...

Teaching in Slow Motion

Japanese baseball legend, Tetsuharu Kawakami, dedicated himself to Zen Buddhism and was known for spending hours meditating and honing his concentration. He claimed that his focus was so powerful that, when batting, the “ball would just stop.”

While you may not be a Zen master, there is much benefit to exploring mediation and mindfulness practices in the context of teaching. Mindfulness, which involves intentionally paying attention to the present moment and becoming more aware of...

5 Books That Help Students Manage...

Even for a 5th grader, Aidy was energetic. But today she could barely quiet her gangly limbs from tapping desks and rattling against her chair. She had waited all month to visit her mother in prison so when the day finally arrived, she was perfectly prepared with a tidy pink hair bow and tiny heeled dress shoes. As she crammed her coat into a messy locker, she confidently explained how her aunt would pick her up early from school and they would eat burgers wrapped in crinkly paper on the way...

The Global Search for Education: How...

Understanding the reality of the working world becomes clearer the more times a young person interacts with the world of work.” – Nick Chambers 

The future will be about pairing the cognitive, social and emotional capabilities of human beings with machines. The ‘...
